Sugar i18n
Translate Sugar or activities
- Go to the OLPC release set on Fedora Translations to find out which projects needs translation and to download the current translation files (or the POT).
- Please check if the translation hasn't been filed querying Trac first
- Once your translation is ready
- open a new Trac ticket, (uou will need an account (login or register))
- make it an enhancemente in the localization component, and
- attach your translation (as a .po file).
BIG FAT WARNING: You must make sure that your browser is set by default to UTF-8.
Else, your precious characters will most likely be victims of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation... for which you may find solace in their detractors' rally song:
- "I teleported home last night with Ron and Sid and Meg
- Ron stole Meggy's heart away and I got Sidney's leg."
For language codes, refer to ISO 639.
Keyboard in your language
What good is seeing the interface in a particular language if your keyboard is in another? Here's how you get your keyboard in your language. (extracted from Customizing NAND images).
File: /etc/X11/xorg.conf |
Section "InputDevice"
You should modify the "XkbLayout" "en" to whatever layout you want (ie: es, pt, ...). In order to enable the language switch ( or ) you should set "XkbLayout" "en,ara" or other combinations (ie: "en,th"; "en,ur"; etc.) and Option "XkbOptions" "olpc" to "olpc,olpc2"
File: /etc/X11/xorg.conf |
Section "InputDevice"
After saving the changes, and in order to enable them, you must either reboot the machine, or issue the following commands:
/sbin/telinit 3 /sbin/telinit 5