User:Mokurai/Earth Treasury

< User:Mokurai
Revision as of 04:36, 12 August 2007 by Mokurai (talk | contribs) (Clarify link)
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Earth Treasury has no corporate connection with OLPC, the maker of the $100 Laptop. They just let us use their Wiki.--Mokurai 02:51, 3 June 2007 (EDT)

This page is a place-holder until Earth Treasury can create its own Web site. Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG) has offered space on its server for this site.


The mission of Earth Treasury is

  • To piggyback on OLPC's computer program in education, in order to further health, economic opportunity, human rights, and anything else in the way of sustainable development.
  • To lobby the US Congress and the various state and territorial legislatures to buy into the OLPC program.
  • To support all other national OLPC groups, whether part of OLPC or independent like ourselves.


  • Link schools around the world
  • Teach children to do business together.
  • Teach the genuine free market, not the nonsense in which corporations get to go freely into any country, but people don't.
  • Telemedicine
  • Demonstrate the XO to anybody who should get involved with OLPC.
  • Anyone can participate. We have 101 Things To Do.


We need some volunteers to take care of various business. Send me an email.

  • I'll go and invite some people. Done. I'll go invite some more.--Mokurai 00:48, 3 January 2007 (EST)
  • We need writers, speakers, publicists, a graphic artist, lobbyists, and others. You can suggest other tasks, particularly if you are volunteering to do them.
  • We'll get a mailing list together as soon as there are enough of us to justify it. Done.
  • Web site with t-shirts, an Amazon link, and donations through Paypal and other means.
  • We need to move from a volunteer association to a non-profit corporation at some point. In process with lawyers.
  • We should put on a conference. I have signed on as a board member of WIRE AFRICA. We have a conference in December 2007.
  • I'm going to make a page that makes is absolutely brainless to lobby our government officials. Oh wait, I did that. Here it is:

OLPC4USAlobbying. Won't someone please help tidy it up a smidge? --Mrknuffke 13:58, 21 January 2007 (EST)

OLPC says that we can use the OLPC Wiki for our business. Please put the following category link on any page that is specific to Earth Treasury.

[[Category:Earth Treasury]]

See also