Emulating the XO/Quick Start/Mac

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Installing QEMU for MacOS-X

You should already have an XO build image.

The port of Qemu for MacOSX is called Q and can be found in kju-app.org. Download and install Q.app stable version 0.9.0a89. Other builds are here: kberg.ch/q/builds/

Setting up


Click on the (+) button to create a new guest:

Create new Guest:              Name:  OLPC
                   Operating System:  Q Standard Guest
                -- click (Create PC) --

Proceed to configure its preferences:

 General Prefs | SMB Filessharing:  No file sharing
Hardware Prefs |        Hard disk:  Select your unzipped build image
Advanced Prefs |   QEMU Arguments:  -redir tcp:2222::22
                -- click (Create PC) --

Starting OLPC Environment

Double click on the newly created "OLPC" to launch a window for it.

what follows may not be required. If you happen to do with or without it, please let us know in the discussion page (signing it) so this section can be updated accordingly.
Grub start.png

— press "space" to get into GRUB

Grub choose qemu.png

— choose "OLPC for Qemu Target",

— press "e" to edit commands,

Grub choose the line.png

— select "kernel" line, and press "e"

Grub edit the line.png

— add "single" option at the end of the line

— hit "return", then "b" to boot


You may encounter some issues supporting USB devices.

You can run Q.app from the command line:

$ /Applications/Q.app/Contents/MacOS/i386-softmmu.app/Contents/MacOS/i386-softmmu -hda olpc/olpc-redhat-stream-development-devel_ext3.img -serial stdio