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There are many sources of clips and music in suitable licenses and formats for the laptop libraries.

Music projects and activities

Public Csound is available for use on the laptop.

Available Interfaces

There are a variety of interfaces to Csound. There is a C based API, a Python API and a Csound Server that currently allows for communication via TCP/IP. The Csound Server is the recommended method for interacting with Csound on the XO. Csound can also be run from the command-line.

More Information on the Csound Server can be found here:


More information on Csound:

Audio Applications

FMSynth - a basic FM synthesis emulator built using Csound and the Csound Server.


Groups curating free music

Free Music Project

The Free Music Project, sponsored by the Free Culture society, is putting together a collection of iconic music from cultures and genres around the world. Their initial target is the OLPC audience of children and teachers; see for details.

This group is working with Antenna Alliance and Jamendo to curate global collections for children.

Antenna Alliance

The Antenna Alliance is helping produce and record free music by offering free recording space and technical support to groups that record freely licensed music. <see their site for further details>


TempoStand is a group testing out using CC-BY-SA music for all of their remixes and as backgrounds for other productions, out of India. All the music on their site is cc-by-sa:

Sources of free music by format


Before computers got big enough and fast enough to handle real-time multi-track sound recording and playback, but small enough to put into synthesizers, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) made it possible to encode music as a low data rate stream of commands (to select instruments, for example) and events such as note on, note off, pitch bend, and others. MIDI was originally most suited to keyboards and guitars, where a string is activated by striking or picking, and then the sound evolves without any further intervention until it is cut off by dampers or releasing the string. Later additions to MIDI made it usable for string and wind instruments, by sending a stream of loudness commands. However, the wide range of timbre of an acoustic instrument could not be duplicated. MIDI has considerable advantages for students. For example, the tempo of a piece can be changed without changing pitches or expression. Any track can be silenced to create a do-it-yourself equivalent of Music Minus One, where the student plays the missing track to a complete accompaniment.

Although MIDIs are no longer the center of electronic musicmaking, there are many MIDI files still available on the Net, and a variety of Free Software for recording, playing, and editing MIDI files, and converting them to other formats.

  • MIDI DataBase Rock Pop Themes Rap Dance Punk Blues Country MIDI Search

etc. etc. Google for more

Sound files

There are numerous formats for sound files, including .wav, .mp3, and ogg Vorbis. The MP3 format is the most widely used for sound and music. Since it is encumbered by patents, many Free Software sound programs use the Free ogg Vorbis format instead. Among the well-known sources for MP3 files are iTunes and e-music. The Web site has a page of links to sources of free files in ogg format.

Sheet Music

The Free Software application for creating musical scores and printing sheet music is Lilypond. There are [ music OCR programs for capturing music from scanned pages and converting to MIDI or other formats, and utilities to convert between MID and several score formats. The process generally requires manual editing, since music notation is complex, and can be difficult to interpret and to lay out in a pleasing as well as functional manner.