Talk:Our software

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I REALLY like UBUNTU. The UBUNTU philosophy is 100% in line with this project. It is the only Linux distribution I will use on my dual-boot computer. Ii's much more user friendly than RedHat. Even a non-Geek like me was able to set up a network connection and get on line. I'm very excited about the whole project!



I'm really interested in creating educational content for OLPC. But the simulator installation sounds too hard for a writer/educator and my less tech friends. If I create a HTML tree less than 100MB can I assume that it would be compatible with OLPC (bearing in mind the screen res in both reflective and color modes)?

What would really help would be a version of FireFox (or whatever browser) with built in limits that mimic the constrained memory and perhaps CPU of OLPC.

Wouldn't it be cool if I could even include Javascript apps like quizes? I should not need to install an emulator just to test HTML content.


With one laptop per child are you going to roll out the laptop with IP v6? Is it going to be a private or public network?