Google Gears

Revision as of 04:54, 2 November 2007 by Sj (talk | contribs) (..)
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A few people have suggested getting Google Gears (an open source firefox extension) to work on the laptops. The recommended persistence layer currently is pyxpcom. Zvi Boshernitzan started working on a mediawiki reader and thumbwiki implementation in Gears (see that imports mediawiki dumps and runs quite snappily for wikis of up to a few hundred pages. (import and export can be slow still.) What would be needed to make this happen? Do we need to revisit supporting firefox extensions in general, or can we just implement this one?

A new version of Lector, a browser-based bookreader, is also available -- and something else it would be useful to support. In particular, we should figure out how this could work with the efforts that have been put into a script to chunk long html pages into smaller ones for reading long html-format texts, and in-browser controls and frameless browsing for a bookreader mode (care of IanB and Jerub, respectively).

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