Sugar design review 3

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  • Each activity will be a fullscreen window. This is important given the limited size of the display.
  • Each activity will have a close button in the top-right corner, transparent to not cover the eventual content.
  • The framework will not provide docks, like a default toolbar bar or a menubar. Activities author will decide to use toolbox, toolbars or whatever is more appropriate. Though we will probably provide some guidelines.
  • Activities are shared by default. When opening a new activity the presence window will be showed for a few seconds, and a "shared" checkbox (or similar) will be showed to allow the user to keep this activity private.
  • When activating an activity the presence window is displayed for a few seconds to show the people that are around and to give user a clue that other people can actully be present on the page.

Web browser activity
Sketch activity
Presence window popping up for a few seconds


People window

My blog