Description & Goals
This is a very simple Activity which provides non-interactive screen images of a ruler, cm and mm grids, and a cm checker board.
The checker broard is mainly intended as a photo target, though moving your head in and out shows interesting perception distortions.
- Provide an accessible tool to measure screen-sized objects.
- Encourage length/area measurement, counting.
None direct. Intended as a supporting tool for exploring the world.
Visual Design
It is not clear how/whether useful these will be, but it seemed worth trying.
I attempted to have a low knowledge barrier to use, while still having some thought provoking subtleties. But as a corollary to "if it wasn't tested, it doesn't work", this hasn't yet been user tested, so... . I would appreciate feedback from folks with xo's. I will try before TRIAL-2 deadline to print some mockups and test those.
There are lots of variations which could be tried. But, available developer time is limited.
Feature Requests
Implementation Discussion
Version History
- None available
Functional Test
Check the size of the screen ruler with a real physical ruler.
Wander around measuring things with your xo. Feedback encouraged.
- 2007-11-29 Ruler-2.xo New name. Initial Localization (ar,de,en,es,nl,pt,ru,th). Added rules to edge of screen and laptop. Added crufty unlabled progractors.
- 2007-08-08 Renamed activity to Ruler.
- 2007-07-13 Rule-1.xo Considered renaming project to Ruler from Rule. Haven't yet. People don't like the current name. And as this is more of a tool than an "activity", we could stop bending over backwards to follow HIG naming guidelines that a verb be used. This might also simplify translation. Though "rule" is more applicable to the grids than "ruler" is. Blech.