1 hour smoke test

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Should take less than one hour to do.

Useful Links



  1. Boot the laptop


  • If in secure mode: the laptop shows pretty boot
  • The laptop boots into sugar
  • The journal loads
  • The laptop connects to one of the following (whichever one is highest on the list and available to the laptop)
    • A school server
    • A preferred AP
    • An MPP
    • A local mesh

Try out a few Activities


  1. Open measure
  2. Whistle into the microphone. (or just make some noise into the mic)
  3. Close measure
  4. Open TamTam Jam
  5. Make a few instruments play.
  6. Close TamTam
  7. If The intruments in TamTam didn't play...
    1. Open pippy
    2. Click on the "sequence" sample under sound.
    3. Click "Run!"
    4. Close pippy
  8. Open record
  9. Take a Picture, Audio sample, and Video sample.
  10. Play back/view each sample.
  11. Open Paint
  12. Draw a few things.
  13. Close paint
  14. Pick a few other activities to open and try a few things with them.
    • preferably, try activities that have had bug fixes, or new features added.
    • make sure that these fixes have indeed worked, and that everything else seems to work properly.
    • Would probably be good to go through the full test of that activity, write up bugs, and update the test to fit the new version.
  15. Resume the paint activity from before.


  • Measure shows the sound waves going into the microphone. (whistling should create a sine wave)
  • In TamTam Jam, there is volume, and the instruments play.
  • If there is no sound in TamTam Jam, there is in Pippy.
    • Report this bug!
  • Both the microphone and camera lights are on when Record is the active activity.
  • All activities open and close properly
  • The journal is able to resume the paint entry.

Image Transferring and Invite


  1. Open Browse
  2. Type some type of animal in the google search bar.
  3. Click on "Images" at the top of the page.
  4. Press the top right button on the keyboard. (brings up menu bar)
  5. Drag one of the images from the google page onto the clipboard. (the left side bar)
  6. Go to the home view.
  7. Mouse over the image file on the clipboard, and add it to the journal.
  8. Go to the journal, find the clipboard image, and then return to the home view.
  9. Open write
  10. Press the menu bar button again, and drag the image on the toolbar onto the canvas of the write document.
  11. Hover over the corner of the image, and resize it to make it smaller than the screen.
  12. Move the image to the center of the page.
  13. Type a few lines above the image.
  14. Go to the mesh view.
  15. Hover over another XO (one that is also in your possession and running the same build), and click Invite.
  16. On the second XO, click on the write Icon that shows up in the tray.
  17. On the second XO, move the image around.
  18. Type a few lines on both laptops.


  • Browse opens properly.
  • The index bar comes up on the left of the page.
  • You are able to browse the web for pictures.
    • this is not true if you are on link local
    • hover over the connection circle in home view to see what type of connection you have.
  • Pressing the upper right button toggles the menu bar visible/not visible.
  • The image copies to the clipboard and has an eyeball in the middle of the file symbol (means it's recognized as an image file)
  • The clipboard object is added to the journal.
  • Write opens properly.
  • Dragging the image from the clipboard to the write document places a copy of the image in the document.
  • You are able to move and resize the document.
  • When you invite another XO in the mesh view, an icon of the shared activity shows up in that XO's tray.
  • The write document is shared properly.
    • Whatever one laptop does to the document, both laptops see the changes.

Installing an Activity Bundle

From USB Key


  1. On your personal laptop, go to GCompris
  2. Download the sudoku activity bundle (sudoku.activity.xo)
  3. Copy this to a USB key.
  4. Put the USB key into the XO.
  5. Go to the Journal and click on the USB key icon.
  6. Type "sud" in the search window.
  7. Find the sudoku.activity item, and click on it.
  8. Click resume. (the activity should install and load)
  9. Quit the activity.


  • The USB key icon comes up in the journal.
  • Searching for "sud" gets you the sudoku activity bundle (along with anything else on the the key with "sud" in the name)
  • Resuming the bundle, installs the activity and runs it.
    • The activity bundle should be unzipped in /home/olpc/Activities (that's what is meant by installed)

From the Web Actions

  1. On the XO, go to Implode
  2. Click on the Implode.xo file. (download it)
  3. Go to the home view.
  4. Find the bundle in new activity in the tray.
  5. Start the activity and try a few things.
  6. Quit the activity.


  • The file downloads from the browser.
  • The activity is installed, and its icon shows up in the tray.
  • The activity loads.

Installing a library bundle


  1. On your XO, go to Library grid
  2. Click on the download link.
  3. Click on the bible-en.xol file. (should download to clipboard and journal and install in /home/olpc/Library)
  4. Go to the journal, and locate the .xol file.
  5. Close and reopen the browser.
  6. Check through the index, and find the bible that you just downloaded.
  7. Open it.


  • The XO can get to the Library grid page.
  • When you click on the .xol bundle it is downloaded to the clipboard + journal, and it is installed in /home/olpc/Library
  • The file is accessible in the browser index.
  • You are able to open and view the bible.

Playing an .ogg file in Browse


  1. Open the browser activity and type ogg samples in the google search bar.
  2. Click on the first link.
  3. Scroll down to the sample files, and click on one of the .ogg files.


  • The browser opens the totem-player.
  • The file is played.

Transfer files to USB stick


  1. Go to the journal
  2. Drag and drop each of these items from the journal onto the usb stick
    • The write activity
    • The Clipboard object: Image.
    • The Paint activity.
    • The {animal} Google Image Search session of the Browse activity.
    • The Video created by record.
  3. Click on the USB stick Icon.
  4. Mouse over the USB icon, and unmount the USB stick
  5. Put the USB stick in the second XO.
  6. Resume each item.


  • Each of the items dragged onto the USB stick show up as items on it.
  • The usb stick unmounts, and the journal view no longer contains a bottom bar with journal and usb icons.
  • Each item transferred to the usb stick resumes on the second XO.

Collaboration with Chat


  1. On both XO's click on the same AP in each of their mesh views. (wait for them to connect to it)
  2. Open chat with one XO.
  3. Share the activity with the neighborhood.
  4. Go to the Mesh view of that XO.
  5. Go to the Mesh view of the second XO.
  6. In the mesh view of the second XO click on the chat activity that the first one just shared.
  7. Type a few lines in the chat activity on each XO.
  8. Close the chat activity on both XO's
  9. Follow the same steps, but starting with the second XO. (see that it works both ways)


  • The shared chat activity shows up in the mesh view of both laptops.
  • Whatever one laptop types in the chat window after both are connected is seen by both laptops.
  • Chat works both ways.

Trying different Connection Types

School Server

(this requires being in a location close enough to a school server)


  1. The laptop should boot up and connect to the school server by default if you are near one.
  2. If you don't want to reboot to connect, click on the Mesh Network Channel, which the school server is on, in the mesh view.
  3. Wait for the inner part of the circle to stop blinking, and the outer part to start connecting.
    • This means it has connected to that portal point.
    1. To check your connection, go to terminal one. (ctrl alt mesh)
    2. At the login, type "root", and then type olpc-netstatus.
    3. Note whether the result of Telepathy is salut or gabble.
  4. Go to the mesh view (ctrl alt home and then mesh)
  5. Note the XO's you see. Are they laptops around you, or ones most likely beyond the reach of the laptops wi-fi.
  6. Do the same with a second or third laptop to ensure that it's in the same configuration.


  • The laptop connects to the school server by default after reboot.
  • (alternatively) The laptop connects to the school server if you click on its portal point in the mesh view.
  • The result of running olpc-netstatus is:
    • IP msh0 :
      • 172.x.x.x(172.18.x.x when connected to the School server in OLPC offices)
      • 192.168.x.x
      • 10.x.x.x
    • Config : School server
    • Telepathy :
      • salut (means failure to connect to a jabber server
      • gabble (then the result of Jabber is : {name of jabber server you're connected to}
  • If you're running salut, you only see laptops that are around you and also connected to the same server.
  • If you're running gabble, you see laptops connected to the same jabber server.
  • NOTE: laptops running gabble cannot see laptops running salut and vise-versa.

Filling up the Journal

(OPTIONAL: can take a long time. Once a script is written to fill up the journal, this test will be easier to do)


  1. Take many pictures with the Record Activity.
  2. Add the picture that's on the clipboard many times to the journal.
  3. Open other activities, do one thing, and close them.
    • Do these things until you have 200 items in the Journal.
    • To count the number of items, go to the terminal, and type: ls /home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore/store/ | wc -l
  4. Reboot the laptop.


  1. The Journal does not crash (give a blank screen)
  2. The laptop does not slow down significantly.
  3. Booting into X does not take much longer than normal.

Suspend/Resume due to Cover close

NOTE: should only be done on laptops with production ECO


  1. Close the laptop almost fully. (just to the point where the screen goes blank)
  2. Open and close the laptop repeatedly
    • Maybe five or six times
    • Wait for the laptop to come out of suspend each time before closing it again.
    • If the laptop does not come out of suspend on open, try pushing a few buttons and/or touching the mouse pad.


  • The laptop comes out of each suspend successfully.
  • The laptop never hangs in suspend or reboots itself when coming out of suspend.