Sugar Standard Icons

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This page is a quick tutorial on how to use the standard icons in your activities.

Standard Sugar Cursors


They are available at

usage with pygame

  1. Download the Sugar-Icons from here
  2. Extract the icon you want to use (36x36 px)
  3. Save it as an .xbm image (width dividable by 8 (eg. 40x40 px))
  4. Create a mask. This is done with the tool xbm-mask
    ("xbm-mask my_cursor_file.xbm" creates a file called "my_cursor_file_mask.xbm")
  5. Now, in pygame you can use this code:
a, b, c, d = pygame.cursors.load_xbm("my_cursor_file.xbm", "my_cursor_file_mask_mask.xbm")
pygame.mouse.set_cursor(a, b, c, d)
  • To get the white border around the icons, you need to make another mask:
    1. Draw a black line around the white border of the icons
    2. Save it as .xbm (eg. black pointer > white border > black border > transparency)
    3. Create a (and overwrite the old) mask-file again
    4. Remove the black border around the white one
    5. Save and enjoy!