
Revision as of 15:28, 2 January 2008 by Crazy-chris (talk | contribs) (+help wanted)
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is a very simple package-installer / manager, used for installing, testing and removing activities for / on the xo-laptop. Installation:

wget xo-get.linuxuser.at
chmod u+x xo-get.py
  1. Source (GPL)
  2. Screenshots
  3. Public Repository: 32 Activities (add your .xo now!)
  4. Project Page @ Olpc-Austria
  5. Installing & removing via local .xo files or downloaded bundles
  6. ActivityBundle.install(), Unzipping, ActivityBundle.uninstall()
  7. Infos stored in a local sqlite3 db (in ~/.xo_get/activities.db)
  8. Successfully tested on the xo (build_648)
  9. Supported commands:
./xo-get.py update
./xo-get.py list     ['categories' / category_name]
./xo-get.py search   activity_name / tag
./xo-get.py install  activity_name / activity_file.xo
./xo-get.py remove   activity_name / activity_file.xo

Help Wanted

  • Anyone interested in developing a simple GTK interface? That would be so awesome! Please contact chris at olpc dot at


Xo-get install done2.png
Xo-get install xofile.png
Xo-get remove xofile.png