TechTeam Mtgs

Revision as of 12:27, 13 February 2008 by Kimquirk (talk | contribs)
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Attending: Simon, Tomeu, Marco, Ivan, Adam, Michailis, Dilinger, Dennis, Kim, Richard, Scott, Chris, Michael, Wad, Henry, Mako, Kim

Kim gave an overview of the meeting last week which described a new organizational structure for OLPC. Now that we are moving from R&D to real deployments, the priorities will change to emphasize the requirements of the children and teachers in these deployments.

There are 4 groups: Technology (current HW, SW, Support, IT, and QA), Learning/Deployment, Business Development, and Finance/HR

Resource Needs There was some discussion around planning ahead, roadmaps, and resource requirements. Kim has asked that everyone send 'project' info with description and resource needs to her (and Michael Stone) so we can review and create a wiki page for further brainstorming and discussion. Please use a simple format like:

  • Project name (could be a large bug, a feature, or a real project)
  • Brief description
  • Priority - why it is important
  • Resources needed (best guess)

Some immediate needs, testing, debugging

  • 25+ laptops in a a school server mesh scenario
  • 25+ laptops in an infrastructure AP scenario
  • Re-registration with jabber
  • Library content - how it gets to laptops
  • Backup XOs to school server
  • Upgrade XOs from School server
  • Options for auto-update

Michail suggested that he do a "Save my hair" talk -- since there are a lot of new people, he can give us a presentation with Q&A on network/mesh. We'll try to set that up as a lunch time talk.