
< Tests
Revision as of 10:05, 18 February 2008 by Erikos (talk | contribs) (view source)
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The Browse test case is trying to simulate an every day usage of this activity including sharing a session.

Open the Browse Activity

Justification: HIG for startup


  1. Start the Browse activity by clicking on the corresponding icon on the taskbar.


  • That the Browse icon is added to the activity donut.
  • That the Browse icon pulses to indicate the activity starting up.
  • That the Browse activity starts properly.
  • That the window shows the start page of the OLPC library, and defaults to the "Browse" tab.

Load a page



  1. Double click in the entry field at the top.
  2. Type the address of the page you want to load, then press enter.


  • That the reload button next to the entry field changes and the possible option is stop.


  1. Load a page and while loading hit the stop button on the left to the entry field.


  • The loading of the page should stop.


  1. Use the back button to go back to the previously loaded page

Check text storage

Justification: HIG


  1. Switch to the journal.


  • That an entry has been added for your Browse activity session.
  • That a preview of the page loaded last is properly displayed.

View Source

Justification: View Source


  1. hit the "view source" shortcut (fn+space or ctrl+u).


  • The source of the web page is saved to the datastore and the entry of this object in the journal will be displayed.
  • The title of the entry should be in the form: "Source: [Title]"


  1. resume the source entry with Write
  2. change for example the title of the page and close Write
  3. resume the entry with Browse again and check if the modified title is displayed fine


  • That the modifications have been taken effect when you interpret the source with Browse. Note that only the source will be saved not the images included in a page. Your modified page will likely look slightly different than the one you see when you load it from the Internet.

Using Copy and Paste



  1. Choose a word you typed, and then click on the Edit tab.
  2. Press the Copy button or (ctrl c)
  3. Deselect your text and click somewhere else in the window.
  4. Press the Paste button or (ctrl p)
  5. Press the undo button or (ctrl z)


  • That the Copy and Paste buttons become highlighted when you mouse over them and when you click them.
  • That your text deselects properly when you click away from it.
  • That your text appears properly where you clicked when you paste it.
  • That the text you just pasted goes away when the undo button is hit.

Using the View tools



  1. Click on the "View" tab
  2. Press the + and - magnifying glass buttons to zoom in and out.
  3. Use the shortcuts ctrl++ and ctrl+- to do the same action


  • That you can zoom in and out of a page


Name the Session



  1. Click the Activity tab.
  2. Type a new name for this Session.
  3. Click "Stop" to exit.
  4. Switch to the Journal


  • The default name "Browse Activity" (step 1).
  • That typing right after clicking the Activity tab overwrites the words "Write Activity" or the previous document name
  • That the new name appears in the Journal

Close the Browse activity



  1. Switch to the Activity tab.
  2. Click the X button in the top right corner.
  3. You can use as well the shortcuts ctrl+q or ctrl+esc to quit the activity


  • That clicking the X button closes the Browse activity.
  • That the Browse icon disappears from the activity donut.

Resume a Session

Justification: HIG


  1. Switch to the Journal.
  2. Find the entry for your Browse session.
  3. Either click on the 'direct launcher' at the right of the entry or
  4. Click on the entry and use the "Resume" button to resume the entry with the desired activity.


  • That your entry in the Journal is still present and has updated the preview to indicate your new work.
  • That Resuming your Browse session opens Browse and loads the last session properly.


Justification: HIG


  1. Go to the Activity tab
  2. Click the Share button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Have another member of the local mesh join your activity.
  4. Switch back to the Write activity, then wait and see if the user you invited can make edits to it.


  • That the user is able to join your shared Browse session
  • That the user is able to collaborate on the Browse session with you (create session Bookmarks).
  • That the user's icon is added to the right side of the frame (Friends frame). (when you press the view sidebars key)
  • That a Browse activity icon appears in the Neighborhood view, with your icon and the icon of the other user grouped around it