
Revision as of 04:08, 20 February 2008 by (talk) (multiplayer troubles)
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I'm very interested in seeing PlayGo work, but it's apparently stalled. (Hopefully those who were working on it are currently working on more important things.) As far as basic functionality is concerned, playing a 2-XO game is awkward (though not necessarily impossible).

The player who starts the game can play black or white stones (depending on which mouse button is clicked).

The second player (no idea what happens if more than 2 try to share) can only play black stones.

There's no enforcement of turns at all--either player can place a stone at any time.

When the second player joins the game, the first player's pieces remain on the board from their point of view, but do not appear on the second player's board.

I'm hoping I'll get clever enough to attack these problems, but I figured I would at least note them here.