Food Force/Meeting Logs3

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  1. olpc-foodforce

[INFO] Channel view for “#olpc-foodforce” opened. -->| YOU (deepank) have joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Mode #olpc-foodforce +ns by -->| Anubhav (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <Anubhav> Hi deepank <deepank> Hi <Anubhav> Still no one, this is not good <deepank> Lets wait for others .... <deepank> yea ..... do sum other wrk while keeping this window open <Anubhav> affirmative -->| MurielGodoi ( has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> Hi Muriel <MurielGodoi> hi Deepank, hi Anubhav <Anubhav> Hello sir <deepank> I will send you the class diagram's scanned pic thru email <deepank> please tell us if we are going wrong somewhere <MurielGodoi> ok <Anubhav> yes sir, we had made the class diagram on paper. Please check it <deepank> There is one more thing that I would like to discuss about. <MurielGodoi> sure, what it is about? <deepank> There is no population parameter in the game <deepank> So, are we going to assume a constant population for the village or should we take it as a parameter <Anubhav> yes sir, We beliebe that their should be some population paramter that should be displayed during gameplay. === murielgodoi is online. <Anubhav> A rise in population would then demand for more facilities, thus making the game more of real life simualtion game <deepank> High growth rates of population in countries like India and Brazil is one reason why there are frequent draughts <deepank> and famines <MurielGodoi> At once I also though that... it is important, but I think we can assume a constant population in our first version <deepank> Ok we can keep it as a feature to be added; but it can be easily added ... and can depend on the level of education and family control measures being taken <MurielGodoi> it is easily added but not so simple to code the effects. <Anubhav> yes sir, I was thinking of the same, <deepank> Actually I did not take a look at the code of the human beings moving around.... am i missing something <deepank> If a human being is being represented by an object <Anubhav> because the code needs to be changed a lot when we add that growing population factor , as it will have many dependencies with it <deepank> the number of instances of human being object can be directly proportional to population <MurielGodoi> sure it is. In that animation I was just testing the perfomance <Anubhav> @Deepank: have you mailed the Class Diagram to sir <deepank> yes * MurielGodoi is cheking... <MurielGodoi> The image is not so clear, but from that I can read.. <MurielGodoi> why is indicator just related to facilities? <MurielGodoi> s/facilities/resources <deepank> Indicator is related to resources only and not to facilties <deepank> we thought that facilities will contribute to resources <deepank> and thus indirectly to indicaors <MurielGodoi> s/facilities/resources means replace facilities for indicator.. i typed wrong <MurielGodoi> deepank: so for us desn't matter that we buy or produce a resource <MurielGodoi> ? -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> Muriel: buying or selling resources will automatically relate to indicators. <MurielGodoi> the village stock is different from having infra-structure <MurielGodoi> mainly to health... we can have medicines and do not have an hospital <deepank> Right <MurielGodoi> so hospital should have effects in health indicator <MurielGodoi> I think indicator should relate both... resource and facilities <deepank> right <Anubhav_Agarwal> joinyes <Anubhav_Agarwal> yes <MurielGodoi> and facilities are more important (more weigh ) than resources <deepank> ok |<-- Anubhav_Agarwal has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> we also need to check the relation type <MurielGodoi> composition or aggregation <deepank> Yes that was one thing in which I wanted to take your opinion <MurielGodoi> I am checking my software engenniring... my last class about that was 6 years ago :) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> What do you think <deepank> I was thinking of a main container class containing all these objects and helping integration among all these <MurielGodoi> maybe just association. with labels and multiplicity? <deepank> n:1 everywhere <deepank> as n resources and n indicators affect 1 indicator <MurielGodoi> maybe not <MurielGodoi> houses can affect housing and health |<-- Anubhav_Agarwal has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> Right <deepank> I overlooked that <deepank> How do we model it in Python <MurielGodoi> for instance. Health indicator can have an array of (facility, weight) tuples |<-- Anubhav_Agarwal has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> and another one for resources <deepank> yes |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> putting weighs on it we can balance the importance of facilities and resources stock in the indicator <deepank> yes |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> Could someone list for me the Resources methods, I can't read it here. -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> Update_Value(string name, int value) =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <deepank> void Buy(String name, int value) <deepank> void Sell(String name, int value) <deepank> int GetValue() <deepank> void SetValue() <MurielGodoi> by value you mean, price or quantity? <deepank> quantity <Anubhav> quantity <MurielGodoi> value is a generic name.. try to make attributes name as clear as possible <Anubhav> we wont be changing the price I believe <deepank> ok |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> Anubhav: What happens to the price when we have low quantity of some product on sale? <Anubhav> price goes up <Anubhav> in the market as demand is more , supply is less |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> perfect, I am trying to make you think about the scenario, not give you just the answers <MurielGodoi> about the model... think about what you modeled in Resouces class. It is a unique resouce or a entire stock? <deepank> entire stock of a resource <Anubhav> each object will be 1 resource <deepank> i.e. Wood has one object. <deepank> and it represents entire stock of the village <MurielGodoi> so why did you add name in all methods? |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> in Resource there is a mix of Resouce and stock methods -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <deepank> Wood is the name of the resource <deepank> What is the difference between the two? <MurielGodoi> deepank: but in that object do you have just a string to save that <deepank> Yes, or we can change it to a global enum for saving memory. <MurielGodoi> deepank: so how will you handle several resources there <deepank> Each resource will have one object; with a name associated with it <MurielGodoi> at first every class name should be in singular otherwise you be modeling a group, not a object <MurielGodoi> deepank: object or instance? |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> We have a class Resource. === anubhav is offline. <deepank> Now it has object - Wood with name as wood and value as quantity <deepank> Another Object Food <MurielGodoi> so you will create 1 instance for each resource <deepank> similarly and so on <deepank> yes <MurielGodoi> if each resource have you own instance why you need name in all methods <MurielGodoi> food = Resouce('food', 15) <MurielGodoi> food.setValue('food', 20) <deepank> Yes <deepank> Actually we are introducing redundancy <deepank> we will remove the name <MurielGodoi> deepank: you got it <MurielGodoi> I think a class for stock should be fine <deepank> I do not understand the difference between resource and stock <MurielGodoi> stock is a set of resources -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> not just one <deepank> Yes, then we can keep name as a parameter |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> you just need to decide beetwen model a stock or resources =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav === anubhav is online. <MurielGodoi> if you are modeling a stock so you should keep the name parameter |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> that's happened to Anubhav -->| Anuabhav__ (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> ? <MurielGodoi> ok <deepank> If we keep stock, then we will need to make all the parameters as arrays -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <deepank> Anubhav is facing net problems <MurielGodoi> ok... sometimes I also face it in Brazil <MurielGodoi> i think you are inclined to model a stock <MurielGodoi> in that case, you should rename your class as stock <deepank> No on the contrary, I think I should model as resource only, my habit of C programming is coming in the way :) <MurielGodoi> and stock should have a list of tuples (resouce, quantity) <MurielGodoi> so, you should rename you class to Resource (not Resources) and remove name from the methos <deepank> Yes <MurielGodoi> you should realize that there is no unique solution when modeling <deepank> So, the changes are : <deepank> 1. Association from Facilities to Indicator <deepank> 2. Remove name as a parameter <Anubhav> yes <deepank> 3. Introduce a model to change prices <Anubhav> ok <MurielGodoi> we will need to instantiate two list of resouces: <MurielGodoi> 1 for the village <MurielGodoi> 1 for the market <MurielGodoi> each one should have their own quantity and unit price <deepank> yes <MurielGodoi> everything okay about resoures? <deepank> but price will be decided in the market <deepank> oh sorry got confused <deepank> yes <MurielGodoi> deepank: The game enngine will chenge that <MurielGodoi> about facilities <deepank> Yes <MurielGodoi> each facilities have a list of produced and consumed resources on each turn <MurielGodoi> we should model that <deepank> void update_level(void) |<-- Anuabhav__ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> void update_number(int) <deepank> name should be removed === anubhav is offline. <MurielGodoi> deepank: perfect.. the same case... are you modeling a Facilitie not the entire city <MurielGodoi> facility.addProduction('rice', 100) <MurielGodoi> facility.addProduction('beans', 64) <MurielGodoi> facility.remProduction('beans') <MurielGodoi> facility.addConsumption('beans', 20) <MurielGodoi> and so on <deepank> We have not added any production methods <deepank> Will a user be able to define this? <MurielGodoi> not the user... the game engine -->| Anubhav (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> that is your next step after the model <MurielGodoi> the game engine will perform the changes on each turn.. update resources, prices, facilities and indicators -->| Anubhav (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> Should a game engine decide that rice is to be grown and that too in a particular quantity? We were taking a single food item :) <MurielGodoi> the animation and gui elements will read these that and update the screen <deepank> yes. -->| Anubhav (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> the user will invest on rice farm <MurielGodoi> but the rice production will be calculate by the game engine <deepank> yes -->| Anubhav (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> which will depend on the trainig of the villagers |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> so we can set variables like season, training, weather <MurielGodoi> perfect <MurielGodoi> now we are working on the model which will store the game data <deepank> yes we can introduce weather and seasonal changes in the game <MurielGodoi> the game engine will contain the definitions to change it <deepank> So, I think Facility is fine; we need to remove the name. -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> and add the methods above too <deepank> Yes <MurielGodoi> to allow game engine set it |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> facilities and Indicators should have the method 'turn' <MurielGodoi> the game engine will can it to all facilities, which will update resouces <deepank> the update_value function is working as next_turn <MurielGodoi> nice, so just rename it to next_turn, it is a clear name <deepank> ok -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce =-= Anubhav_Agarwal is now known as Anubhav <MurielGodoi> Missed I something? <deepank> I do not think so, only Indicator left to discuss <MurielGodoi> sure.... <MurielGodoi> the same for the name in methods <deepank> yes -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> and add methods to set the weights -->| Anubhav___ (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> health_indicator.addWeight('hospital', 50) <MurielGodoi> health_indicator.addWeight('housing ', 20) <deepank> Weights are static information <MurielGodoi> yep <MurielGodoi> they will allow us better balance the game further <deepank> ok. === anubhav is online. <MurielGodoi> we are done about the diagram? <MurielGodoi> are we done about the diagram? |<-- Anubhav_Agarwal has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |<-- Anubhav___ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> Yes, we will make a new diagram incorporating changes and also make the code now -->| Anubhav___ (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <Anubhav___> ok <MurielGodoi> about the repository <deepank> did you get any replies <MurielGodoi> nop <MurielGodoi> ivan is a security chief and is also handling all repository request -->| Anubhav_Agarwal (n=chatzill@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <MurielGodoi> olpc was going to get a guy for that, but I donno how is it now |<-- Anubhav_Agarwal has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> Ok, so please tell us when the repository is setup. <MurielGodoi> ok |<-- Anubhav___ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <MurielGodoi> Anything else? -->| Anubhav___ (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce |<-- Anubhav___ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> Let us decide a meeting day. When will you be free for the next meeting <MurielGodoi> An note, as you have been already noticed, my English isn't so good, I am trying to improve it, so I apologise if I seen rude in any talk, that wasn't my intention <MurielGodoi> When you think you can update the diagram model and do the changes in the code? <deepank> No you haven't been rude. Yes, sometimes, I do misunderstand your comments though :) -->| Anu__ (i=Anubhav@ has joined #olpc-foodforce <deepank> I can do it till day after tomorrow. I am going for a competition tomorrow; so won't get much time <MurielGodoi> deepank: ok sorry, i will try to be more clear to minimize it, thanks for the comment <MurielGodoi> monday? |<-- Anu__ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <deepank> Yes Monday is fine for me, in the meantime, tell me about the game engine, so I can get acquainted with the current code. <MurielGodoi> ok.. will try to think more about how to do that. <MurielGodoi> I still don't have that clear in mind <deepank> Ok. I will think about it too. We will discuss more on Monday <MurielGodoi> Have you learned Model-View-Control model <MurielGodoi> ? <MurielGodoi> View will be the animation and gui <MurielGodoi> model is that we are doing now <deepank> No, not in the formal course studies. Can you give me some links for it. <MurielGodoi> and control will be the game engine <MurielGodoi> ok... I will find some links and mail you <deepank> ok. <deepank> Ok. So, we will meet again on Monday. Till then work for me : <MurielGodoi> so next meeting monday 11:30est <deepank> 1. Make code of model <deepank> 2. Read up on links given by you <deepank> Your work <deepank> 1. Repository <deepank> 2. Thinking about game engine <MurielGodoi> 2. contact the artwork guys |<-- Anubhav has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) <deepank> Yes <MurielGodoi> and send oyu the links <MurielGodoi> deepank: could you please attach the meetings log to wiki? <deepank> Yes i will do that <MurielGodoi> thanks for all your work <deepank> Thanks <MurielGodoi> the meeting is over <MurielGodoi> see you guys <deepank> Good Night <MurielGodoi> night