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Marten: EEE rock's, but will sugar work on it ?
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how to make group discissions
Marten: I think Jakarta voting (see google and [[ http://wcc2007.wifisoft.org/trac/wiki/rules | wcc 2007]]) may help making group discisions
This means that you get involved and ask others to support it. This can be passive or active. The purpose is getting commitment for support and make sure you are doing the right thing.
Posible votes:
* -1 bad don't do this, I will come with other proposal in 24 hours * -0 not good a idea, not supporting * +0 good idea, not supporting, * +1 yes, I will support / help cover damage / take responsibility
Who can vote? Everybody in the group.
Or others can vote against it and commit themselves to another solution.
While doing a proposal it is wise to: - make a clear proposal - set a time window (voting closes on [time, date]) - send your conclusion afterwards to the list.
Proposals with 3 positive votes (sum of all) on closing time, are OK'ed and allowed to go through.