Story Jam New York/Projects/UNIWIKI

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Revision as of 14:53, 7 March 2008 by Mejymejy (talk | contribs) (initial version)
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UNIWIKI is a customized MediaWiki installation that is deisgned to address some common wiki usability issues. Following ideas from the folks at wikiHow (, UNIWIKI has a template and editing interface that makes working with wikis easier for the not-so-tech-savvy.


   *     Application - PHP, MySQL, RSS
   *     Front end - JavaScript, X/HTML, CSS 


  1. Extract our templating functionality and refactor as a drop-in Mediawiki extension
  2. Optimize for mobile devices (stylesheets for mobile devices)
  3. Make feature for exporting/ caching a copy locally for offline browsing/ serving to other OLPCs
  4. Features for viewing/exporting printer friendly pages

Get the code



   mediawiki, wiki, wikihow, php, mysql, rss, javascript, html, xhtml, webstandards, css