Talk:Installing ejabberd

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Instructions for Fedora

I'd like to have these instructions on building ejabberd for Fedora too, but I don't have Fedora. Perhaps someone can do a Fedora version?--morgs 08:52, 4 March 2008 (EST)


RPMs are currently a bit out of date (ejabberd2 beta). debs are very out of date (ejabberd 1.4). If/when I can build newer packages and/or prod those who built the current packages, I'll add them as installing packages would be much easier than building from source.--morgs 08:54, 4 March 2008 (EST)

Can't see the "everybody" group?

I followed these instructions as well as I could, but I don't see the "everybody" group in Gajim. The sugar-jhbuild's name is "sugar1". When I try "ejabberdctl connected-users", I just get the Gajim client connected.


You need at least two users on the server for it to show up on your buddy list. You don't see yourself. What works for me, although it's a bit confusing, is to add a second account in the same client (I used pidgin in my testing, but should be the same in others) - then put both accounts online, and the "everybody" group appears and shows both accounts. (What is really happening is that one account sees the other, and the second account sees the first, in the same buddy list.)
Or, you could use two different jabber clients on the same machine - less confusing but more work...--morgs 03:08, 6 March 2008 (EST)
I should be more exact. Basically, I'm trying to set up a development environment for a Sugar activity. I have two Sugar profiles - "sugar1" and "sugar2". When I share a Sugar activity from "sugar1", it does not show up in either the Analyze activity OR the other sugar-jhbuild environment. I have the jabber server set to "localhost" on both profiles. Suggestions? --kawk 21:37, 7 March 2008 (EST)