
Revision as of 21:55, 20 March 2008 by Ilyanep (talk | contribs) (New page: {{olpcboxtop | align = right | bordercolor = #00FF69 | toptext = Languages }} {{User en}} {{User ru}} {{User es-3}} {{olpcboxbreak|toptext=Information}} {{User ti...)
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en This user is a native speaker of English.
ru Русский языкродной для этого участника.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
Nuvola apps kworldclock.png This user's time zone is UTC-6.
Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png This user is a Class of 2009 student– High School Student at IMSA
IRC Nick: Ilyanep
#olpc-imsa, #olpc
@ ilyanep

I am:

An IMSA student in the class of 2009, who is soon to join the IMSA Chapter. In addition, I am involved in ACSL, TopCoder, USACO, Drama Club, and IHSA Cross-Country.

I am very interested in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Music. Computer Science-wise, I am mostly interested in algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. I would also like to explore application development and GUIs.


C++, C#, Java.

Currently learning (or planning to learn): Python (and PyGTK) as first priority, Ruby, C, Perl, LISP.



  • Currently working on a research project (SIR - Student Inquiry and Research) at IMSA where we are attempting to develop a system that can crack any CAPTCHA with little to no human intervention with Jason Rock and Justin Johnson. We plan to continue this project next year when they go to college.
  • Learning PyGTK so I can contribute to OLPC.



email: ilyanep (at) imsa (dot) edu
aim: ilyanep
irc: ilyanep
TopCoder: ilyanep