it would be great if you could share data with Memorize and Kuku. Even better if you could make them work as if they were just alternate skins on your backend - the items would come up according to your schedule. Two kids in the same class could even share a Memorize on the same data, and the cards would be chosen half-and-half from their two needs-refreshing lists.
Also consider what "progress data" you can create. Think about what might be shared with teachers or even with researchers who want to prove the benefits of the XO program in country X.
Also, there is a scientific literature on spaced repetition, with some pretty advanced algorithms out there. It doesn't make a huge difference, but if you're doing the rest of the work, it's nice to be able to say "I have the spacing algorithm proven best in such-and-such a paper".
Homunq 17:19, 29 March 2008 (EDT)