OLPCities/Changing avatares and auto-save
At this last lesson of our tutorials serie we will learn how to make our OLPCity more sophisticated. It will be possible to choice an avatar for all the Lots of a OLPCity and, if the kid go out of the OLPCity at some Lot X, when it comes back it will be at the same Lot X having the same avatar. The kid needs to enter at the OLPCity allways by the same "main address".
Look the figure. The folder having the first Lot of a OLPCity will have a file: index.html.
The code of this page is:
<html> <head> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_core.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_sprites.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_keyboard.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_mouse.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_interface.js"></script> <script language="Javascript"> function init(){ Sp_linuxcompatible=true; avatcust = new Gl_cookie("avatx"); if(avatcust.value==null ){ window.location="avatarcust.html" ; } else{ pointt = new Gl_cookie("ptt"); if(pointt.value!=null && pointt.value!="index.html")window.location=pointt.value; if(pointt.value==null ){ pointt.setvalue("tut11.html");//the first Lot of your City window.location="index.html" ; } } } </script> </head> <title>TUTCITY</title> <center> <body bgcolor="black" onload="init()" > </center> </html>
We have here a first cookie (avatcust). This cookie will have the name of the file (.GIF) having the avatar. If it's null this means that no avatar is defined. The kid will go to the page: avatarcust.html (at the figure):
Another cookie is the "pointt" that has the address of the Lot where the kid is. When we have "auto-save" at our OLPCity, all the Lots need to have the lines of code:
pointt = new Gl_cookie("ptt"); pointt.setvalue("address-of-this-lot.html");
Replace "address-of-this-lot.html" by the adress of the page that has the Lot. Look the code of the page: avatarcust.html:
<html> <head> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_core.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_sprites.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_keyboard.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_mouse.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_interface.js"></script> <script language="Javascript"> Gl_preloader("avat1.gif"); Gl_preloader("avat2.gif"); Gl_preloader("astronaut.gif"); function init(){ Sp_linuxcompatible=true; mymouse=Ms_initmouse(); avatcust = new Gl_cookie("avatx"); av1=new Sp_Sprite(); av1.setImage("avat1.gif",32,32,4,2); av1.setXlimits(0,614); av1.setYlimits(0,480); av1.moveTo( 20,10); av1.setFrame(3); av1.setZ(20); av1.onclickdown='avatcust.setvalue("avat1.gif")'; av1.onclickup='window.location="index.html"'; av1.switchOn(); av2=new Sp_Sprite(); av2.setImage("avat2.gif",32,32,4,2); av2.setXlimits(0,614); av2.setYlimits(0,480); av2.moveTo( 50,10); av2.setFrame(3); av2.setZ(20); av2.onclickdown='avatcust.setvalue("avat2.gif")'; av2.onclickup='window.location="index.html"'; av2.switchOn(); ava=new Sp_Sprite(); ava.setImage("astronaut.gif",32,32,4,2); ava.setXlimits(0,614); ava.setYlimits(0,480); ava.moveTo( 80,10); ava.setFrame(3); ava.setZ(20); ava.onclickdown='avatcust.setvalue("astronaut.gif")'; ava.onclickup='window.location="index.html"'; ava.switchOn(); } </script> </head> <title>TUTCity</title> <body bgcolor="yellow" onload="init()" > <p><br><br> <hr> <p><h1>CHOOSING AN AVATAR</h1> <p><font color="red">Welcome! Click in the avatar you like more. <p>In the future, if you like to replace him, <p>click in the avatar at any place of the city. <p>Soon many new avatares</font> </center> </body> </html>
It's possible to change the avatar clicking it at any Lot of the OLPCity if we have at all the Lots the lines of code:
avatcust = new Gl_cookie("avatx"); if(avatcust.value==null ){ window.location="avatarcust.html" ; } ... av=new Sp_Sprite(); av.setImage(avatcust.value,32,32,4,2); av.setXlimits(5,610); ... av.onclickup='window.location="avatarcust.html"'; ...
We are not loadind an specific avatar but that whose file address is at the cookie avatcust.
But sometimes we would like to load an specific avatar - it's the case of the astronaut at the space travels to the Pink planet. This Lot will not have this lines, but the old:
... av=new Sp_Sprite(); av.setImage("astronaut.gif",32,32,4,2); ...
Only to be clearer, here is the code of the page that is the "first" page of the city simulated at the exercice (having only 4 Lots):
<html> <head> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_core.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_sprites.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_keyboard.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.dmu.com/olpc/gamelib_mouse.js"></script> <script language="Javascript"> function init(){ Sp_linuxcompatible=true; mymouse=Ms_initmouse(); Gl_preloader("floorW05N07.gif"); Gl_preloader("transit.gif"); Gl_preloader("avat1.gif"); entryt = new Gl_cookie("entt"); avatcust = new Gl_cookie("avatx"); if(avatcust.value==null ){ window.location="avatarcust.html" ; } pointt = new Gl_cookie("ptt"); pointt.setvalue("tut11.html"); upkey=Kb_trapkey("UP"); downkey=Kb_trapkey("DOWN"); rightkey=Kb_trapkey("RIGHT"); leftkey=Kb_trapkey("LEFT"); av=new Sp_Sprite(); av.setImage(avatcust.value,32,32,4,2); av.setXlimits(5,610); av.setYlimits(5,385); if(entryt.value=="E"){ av.moveTo( 550,165); av.setFrame(0); entryt.setvalue("G"); } else if(entryt.value=="W"){ av.moveTo(30,175); av.setFrame(1); entryt.setvalue("G"); } else{ av.moveTo( 300,170); av.setFrame(3); entryt.setvalue("G"); } av.setFrameByDirection(90,90,1,180,180,3,270,270,0,0,0,2); av.setAnimation(0); av.setZ(10); av.collides=true; av.useHitEvents(true); av.setAnimationSpeed(3); av.switchOn(); av.onclickup='window.location="avatarcust.html"'; floor=new Sp_Sprite(); floor.setImage("floorW05N07.gif",614,390,1,1); floor.setXlimits( 0,616); floor.setYlimits( 0,390); floor.setFrame(0); floor.moveTo(0 , 0 ); floor.setZ(5); floor.switchOn(); transitW=new Sp_Sprite(); transitW.setImage("transit.gif",20,20,1,1); transitW.setXlimits( 0,614); transitW.setYlimits( 0,390); transitW.setFrame(0); transitW.moveTo(5 , 180 ); transitW.setZ(12); transitW.makeHard(); transitW.switchOn(); transitE=new Sp_Sprite(); transitE.setImage("transit.gif",20,20,1,1); transitE.setXlimits( 0,614); transitE.setYlimits( 0,390); transitE.setFrame(0); transitE.moveTo(590 , 180 ); transitE.setZ(12); transitE.makeHard(); transitE.switchOn(); Gl_hook("timestep()"); Gl_start(); } function timestep(){ av.setSpeed(0); av.setAnimationRepeat(0); if(rightkey.pressed){ av.setDir(1,0); av.setAnimationRepeat(-1); av.setSpeed(2); } else if(leftkey.pressed){ av.setDir(-1,0); av.setAnimationRepeat(-1); av.setSpeed(2); } else if(downkey.pressed){ av.setDir(0,1); av.setAnimationRepeat(-1); av.setSpeed(2); } else if(upkey.pressed){ av.setDir(0,-1); av.setAnimationRepeat(-1); av.setSpeed(2); } if(av.hasHit(transitE)){ entryt.setvalue("W"); window.location="tut11e.html"; } if(av.hasHit(transitW)){ entryt.setvalue("E"); window.location="tut11w.html"; } }//timestep </script> </head> <title>TUTCITY </title> <body bgcolor="black" onload="init()" > </html>
You can play with the demo. Going to the initial Lot of the OLPCity you will need to choose an avatar. You can close your browser beeing at any Lot. Comming back to the OLPCity (going to the "main address") you will be at the last Lot, having the same avatar. Pay attention that the address of the OLPCity is easier, not having the name of any page (.HTML):
This is our last lesson. We hope that you now will try to create a Lot having some educational content, at any language and will put it available at out inventory of Lots. Thanks.