Compiling GStreamer On The XO

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This is a work-in-progress document. Any suggestions/better ideas are much appreciated :)

This guide is based on the GStreamer Setup Page from the PiTiVi Wiki.

Getting Dependencies

su -l
yum install -y make gcc autoconf automake gettext-devel libtool cvs svn git bison bison-devel flex flex-devel glib2-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel gtk-doc gtk-doc-devel

We also need to compile the newest liboil from source (as root):

git clone git://
cd liboil
make install

Compiling GStreamer

Once the dependencies are met, instructions on the PiTiVi GStreamer Setup Page work more-or-less the same way. This takes forever on the XO.

I'm having trouble getting the gstreamer-python bindings updated without breaking all of Sugar.