User:Benjamin Mako Hill/BitFront

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Origins : "we just need that smart-alec in the schoolyard who helps everyone else" --cjb

December 19th -- community meeting, GDK, Holt, SJ, CJB, Kim, Walter, JG.
  • Pre-meetings, then weekly Sunday meetings started Christmas week.
  • In fact, @ OLPC many people were skeptical that this would be a good idea, despite our broad support from foss
    KQ -- do you know what it will take to manage them?


free software movement : GNU v OS : debian v. ubuntu? too specific.

broad sense of how a movement starts, what the necc. ingredients are, where people & projects gather
ability to communicate, collaborate, share ; permission to be bold, licenses, freedom to work. empowerment, autonomy?, desire not to be a tool of some other vision
it helps to have a goal, a vision of what is desired, what others are working towards


es:wp, wikislices, wikireaders

independent community dev in different countries --> WM Argentina, Wikimania in B.Aires


BMH - implementation of microgobby in js, for obby-wiki : frontend for mwiki for real-time collab. but see: js has contained networking, no socket reps.