Internet filtering

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There are a number of content filtering companies that have expressed interest in deploying their filters as a client or across a network (via regional servers).


Netsweeper is a commercial content filtering company that has expressed interest in deploying their filters as a client or across a network on servers. They work in W.Va, with school children in Great Britain, and with school boards implementing laptop programs in various schools.

Their tools include

a policy server : applying policy decisions based on rules, with good/bad categories chosen based on rules governed by NS (and a whitelist/blacklist).
a client : something deployment on the laptops


Support for De, En, Es, Fr, Ja, Pt.

They have limited international experience, working in 8 countries, though they are a primarily English-language company. (They have also been in touch with the Haiti ministry and with Peru.) There is some future work ongoing in India.


There are regional servers in a dozen parts of the world to support updating of categories by matching/nnets.


Symantec have Internet safety materials for children, among other texts and services.

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