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OlpcProject.png Adviser: Michail Bletsas, Development: Ankur

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The following steps are tested with Franklin CDU-680DOrA Mobile Broadband USB Modem.

1. Insert the modem into an USB slot on XO. The device will be shown as a removable storage on XO. 2. Make a directory and copy the following files in it:

  • Packages

1. Wvdial : wvdial-1.54.0- 2. PPP: ppp-2.4.4-2.i386.rpm 3. Libwvstreams: libwvstreams-4.2.2-3.fc7.i386.rpm

2 and 3 are the dependencies for installing 1.

  • Files

The following files are located under the Linux directory 1. connect 2. itfchg 3. cdu680config : This file needs to be edited for entering your User name and password that your SP provides. After entering your username and password it will look similar to this:

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = USB Modem
Phone = #777
Username =
Password = cs3g

4. These are needed for installing the drivers for this particular modem.

3. Run the following script so that the device is recognized as a modem.

Help:Save this script in a new file, give execute permission to it and then run it using bash.

#Installs the required packages: wvdial, ppp and libwvstreams if not installed.
for i in `ls *.rpm`;do rpm -i $i;done &> /dev/null
#End all the services running related to modem
killall wvdial &>/dev/null
killall connect &>/dev/null
sleep 5 
#install drivers and quit "connect"
while read line;do echo $line;echo $line|grep init && break &> /dev/null;done< <(./connect 2>&1) 
killall connect &> /dev/null
ifconfig msh0 down
killall wvdial &> /dev/null
sleep 5
while read line
           echo $line
           echo $line|awk '/DNS/ {print "nameserver "$5}' >> /etc/resolv.conf
done< <(wvdial --config cdu680config 2>&1)

4. PPP0

Work in progress here

Possible Work is to develop a generic way of interfacing any modem with XO.


Contact Ankur Verma through -

Email : ankur AT laptop dot org

IRC : ankur on #olpc #sugar