
Revision as of 14:25, 10 June 2008 by Andreatl (talk | contribs)
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We'd love to have your help this summer - regardless of what you have in mind, come talk to us!

Here are some suggestions - If you're interesting in helping with...

Grassroots groups and pilots


  • your group would like to help build our collection of best practices

for grassroots organizations

  • you're interested in starting a pilot, grassroots group, or school

chapter for supporting 1-to-1 open-source computing initiatives for education, or

  • you would like to collaborate with any of the folks listed above,

Email [] with an idea, question, or proposal and the best way to reach you.

Local Community

(To be determined!)

  • setting up community classes?

Contact Chris!

The Office

Eventually our office will exist. At that point office hours and events will be kept up-to-date.

Office rules:

  • no being awake between 3:00 and 7:00am
  • ILXO employees must get at least 1 hour of sunlight a day

Talk to Nikki

The Interwebs

  • Manage the Wiki?
  • Help out with webdesign, and other computer-y aspects of office maintenance?

Contact Andrea

By the way, feel free to visit our Team page - have a task for us? Make use of tickets!