Datastore symbolic links
Creating a folder of symbolic links to your DataStore data
The script queries the datastore using a D-bus query and writes the returned data to a flat file in the /home/olpc directory. Then the script deletes any old symbolic links and creates a new set under the /home/olpc/datalinks/ folder. The structure underneath ./datalinks is <XO username>/<activity name>/<datastore unique path>.<extension based upon the mime type of the file in question>
It would have been nice to combine and in a single script. But the reading of the datastore uses up memory, and python is slow in returning memory to the system. It seems necessary to do one and then the other to avoid Out Of Memory errors. The two files need to be created in the same directory.
Usage: executes as a subprocess. So the only requirement is that must be in the same directory as Then the command required to generate the folder of symbolic links under /home/olpc/datalinks/ is:
[olpc@xo olpc]$./
Following is the script
#!/usr/bin/env python #filename: from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile from sugar import util import sys import os import subprocess #change the following to False if duplicate XO names exist in your group names_are_unique = True linkbase = '/home/olpc' fname = linkbase + '/datastorelist.txt' #following find returns few DSobjects -- for debug #(results,count)=datastore.find(dict(title='etoys')) #following find returns all journal items (results,count)=datastore.find(dict()) print 'number of found items:',count pactivity = '' fd = open(fname,'w') for f in results: #f iterates (sequences) over results -- a list of DSojects src = f.get_file_path() #returns the full path of the file if src == '': #if null, there is no rile related to this meta data f.destroy() continue #go get the next iterations info = os.stat(src) #get the directory information about this file datastoredict=f.get_metadata().get_dictionary() #get the property dictionary pactivity = datastoredict['activity'] tablename = pactivity.split('.')[-1:][0] keys = datastoredict.keys() object_id = f.object_id #print the data for the keys that are interesting fd.write( "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s"%( tablename, info.st_size, datastoredict['mime_type'], profile.get_nick_name(), src,)) for k in keys: if k == 'preview':continue if k == 'mime_type':continue fd.write ('|%s'%(datastoredict[k],)) fd.write('\n') f.destroy() fd.close()
And this creates the links:
#!/usr/bin/env python #filename: from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile from sugar import util import sys import os import subprocess #change the following to False if duplicate XO names exist in your group names_are_unique = True linkbase = '/home/olpc' fname = linkbase + '/datastorelist.txt' proc = subprocess.Popen('./', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout_value = proc.communicate()[0] print str(stdout_value) extensions = {'image/png':'png','application/pdf':'pdf','application/x-tar':'tar','text/plain':'txt', 'image/jpeg':'jpg','video/x-theora+ogg':'ogg','application/vnd.olpc-sugar':'xo', 'application/x-gzip':'gz','video/ogg':'','application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text':'odt', 'text/x-python':'py','application/x-squeak-project':'pr'} #create a guaranteed unique user id key = profile.get_pubkey() # If you want a shorter key, you can hash that like: key_hash = util._sha_data(key) hashed_key = '' if not names_are_unique: hashed_key = '_'+util.printable_hash(key_hash) #delete any links that currently exist """try: deletecmd = '/bin/rm -rf '+linkbase + '/datalinks/*' print deletecmd retcode = if retcode < 0: print >>sys.stderr, "Child was terminated by signal", -retcode else: print >>sys.stderr, "Child returned", retcode except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Subprocess call to remove existing links failed:", e """ deletecmd = '/bin/rm -rf '+linkbase + '/datalinks/*' os.system(deletecmd) for flatfileline in open(fname,'r'): inline = flatfileline.split("|") if len(inline)<6:continue user = inline[3]+hashed_key activity = inline[0] tablename = activity.split('.')[-1:][0] if tablename == '': tablename = 'noactivity' ext = extensions.get(inline[2],'') if ext != '': ext = '.' + ext #guess the actual filename from the name of the copy made by the journal code #get the index of the prefix to the filename i = inline[4].find('/data/') if i == -1: print 'filename prefix not found: '+str(inline[4]) continue #abort processing fakename = inline[4][i+6:] #print 'fakename:',fakename dsfilename = fakename.split('(') dsfilename = dsfilename[0] dsfilename = dsfilename.split('.') dsfilename = dsfilename[0] symbolicbase = '/'.join((linkbase,'datalinks',user,tablename,)) symboliclink = symbolicbase + '/' + dsfilename + ext target = inline[4][:i]+'/datastore/store/'+ dsfilename fd = open(target,'r') if not fd:continue fd.close() #make sure the directory exists where we want to write the link if not os.path.isdir(symbolicbase): os.makedirs(symbolicbase) linkcommand = '/bin/ln -s '+target + ' ' + symboliclink print linkcommand try: retcode =,shell=True) if retcode < 0: print >>sys.stderr, "Child was terminated by signal", -retcode else: print >>sys.stderr, "Child returned", retcode except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e #err = os.system(linkcommand) #if err != 0: #print 'os.system error number: ',err
A script to simplify selection of arbitrary data and destinations
Just hit enter/return twice to execute the default patterns and destinations. Change the defaults by changing the "if <True> then" -- action statements.
#!/bin/bash echo -n 'what pattern in the datalinks tree should be matched?' read -e PATTERN echo -n 'And what destination PATH should be copied to?' read -e DST if [$DST = ''] then DST="/media/KINGSTON" #change this to suit your typical destination fi if [$PATTERN = ''] then PATTERN=".odt" #change this for the grep patterns you typically require fi #echo -n "copying to $DST using pattern $PATTERN" #set -x #delete the first '#' to generate a debug listing on your terminal screen for FILEPATH in `find /home/olpc/datalinks | grep $PATTERN` do PREFIX=`echo "$FILEPATH" | sed -e 's:^/home/olpc/datalinks/::' -e 's:/[a-f0-9a-z\.-]*$::'` mkdir -p $DST/$PREFIX cp -p $FILEPATH $DST/$PREFIX done echo -n 'done\n'