User:Sj/2008/Week 28

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people to discuss and represent global community...



  • GROW (eyemaze)
for mika : (note his FAQ. needs specific thoughtful ja request. also: send xo!)
  • EDaughter (et al)


  • sambakza (amalloc)
  • o.n.e (n201)

cultural centers

  • gyeonggi-do cultural center (sambakza)
  • wdl (demo library interface)
  • mit (simile project; disbanding!!)


  • flickr
  • sg site
  • jayisgames


  • scottevest


  • alchemist


  • chaplin
  • qatsi, anima mundi


  • peter and wolf; music-list
  • jams, spec. artists

our real culture.  total historical pop : 12B since 1900 (100+B since 8000 BC)

Things that have touched 1B/100M/(50) people (+/*/-).  
 ++ : 10B is roughly 80% saturation this past century.
 -- : 10M is roughly 1/4% current pop saturation
& starting with English language.  Note separately: Chinese, Hindi, French, Spanish, Arabic.

++ Bible (5T copies in 200 yrs? ~200 copies per person? extreme, bad stat. )
 : plus 10^6 derivatives, allegories, &c
+ Shakespeare (+ many individual plays)
 * any other playwrights? 10 major elements, 10^4 derivatives
+ Potterdom: 400M vols + fanfic and extensions; 100M? dvd sales; 100M+ film sales.
 * 10^2 major derivatives

+ Wikipedia (over 1B served)
* EB (? sold? 120k sets in 1990, 50k in 1994.  Say 100M touched by libraries.  Online... not much there there)

* The Sims (100M by 2008 over 8 yrs; x 1.5?)
* GTA (~100M copies as of mid-2008; x 1.5?)
- Simgirls (50M views/uses.  Easily the most popular on newgrounds ?!), based on DNA2 characters. 
 : abandoned by creator (, by far the least elegant of the top 20.  100M total views/uses
 : spawned 2+ major copycats.  vaguely pursued by fan coders @
-- Dragracer1-3 : 25M x2 editions in all?  life-relevant sim car flash, dealerships should use.  see also CreateARide.
-- Guitar Hero (15M units.  redoctane/harmonix --> neversoft)
* Warcraft (x3 + WOW : 50M?)
 - WOW (10M active subscribers, 60% global MMORPG base; avg 10+ hrs/week, 1000 hrs invested?! x2 culture, x5 impact)
-- Alien Hominid (20M via newgrounds  x-arcade)

Game groups
- Nickelodeon (50M through mid-2008)
- Rare ( : 100M units 1985-2008; Sesame 123, viva pin~ata)

Game platforms:
* PS (PS2: 100m? PS3: 15m)
*+ Nintendo (orig: 10m?  GameCube: 15m+)  
  * GB orig & color: 100m (2006)
  * GBA: 80m 
  -- Wii: 20m+, growing fast
- Xbox (360: 20m promised in 08? orig: 50m?) 

+ music: 1B+ people each year
 * 1B pos sales in 2006 (avg 10 per person?)
 * Apple iPod (100M+ units, 4/2007)
+ phones: 1B units/yr? in 2009
+ laptops: 

Software platforms:
* WinXP (100M++?  no stats found)
* WinVista (100M by 08)

++ Soda.  Coke, Pepsi (1B a day??  5B)
++ Hamburgers.  McD's, BKing?  O(10B)

levels of sharing

1. public index  : existence <  creation metadata <  contact & download/access info 
2. public access : automatic purchase <  viewing <  (ft) searching <  downloading
3. public forums : reproducable copies <  sharing with audiences (limited/edu < nc-nd < nd)
4. accessibility : reformatting <  localization
5. public reuse  : recombination <  alteration (nc-sa <  nc)
6. public resale : by-nd <  by-sa <  by
7. public domain : public culture. no restrictions.

levels of publicity

1. mention within the work itself : formulaic notice > explanation
2. mention in a forum or publication : private > public > forum/publication of record 
3. listing in a directory or repository : private > public > repository of record
4. periodic announcement or outreach : to specialists > via mass media
5. social meme : topical > general | new word coined

thoughts on the smell of death:

we are many orders of magnitude below efficient use/finding/sharing of knowledge. so many ideas, imperfectly carried out, can have great effect. So many people take an idea that is not totally useless, carry it out long enough to have some effect, apply their personal brand and call it innovation. Along with this branding often comes an assumption of inherent value of related ideas, which precludes pulling the best from dozens of experiments and leads the insights of each successful project to carry the dead weight of the other 90%. Combined with the notion of ownership of the original idea, you have lots of vaguely good ideas which can't be readily refined and combined.

So you have groups such as the HC with a secret project to develop a new interface to the books and information in archives; the LOC with a non-public domain interface to the World Digital Library; the Harvard Open Collections project which prevents their digital collections from being downloaded, and so on -- each looking for the payoff or royalties that will confirm to their satisfaction that they are doing valuable and sustainable work.

24h list

  • CP - emails to the 2 30+ requests. one waits on kq? hilaire does not. see minutes from last meeting.
    check db, update requests, send early morning to christine.
    prep for 11:30 15-min meeting, send reminder.
    draft outreach email to var groups: distros, artists, creators
    revisit tactlist : vip's, prolificists, polymaths
  • CT - draft email to N on state of partners; how some (ICDL, WDL!) want first to recoup their investments,

whereas others less directly on our course (FHistory, Berkman) simply want to help however they can

  • Community - update job descs from draft to K, w/Wade's ideas. call Wade early... or tonight?
    draft invite to community list - to organizers of all stripes, for active disc about how to be productive
    list fellow communities to draw in (each may have an organizer; berk, flick, &c)
    first-cut stats of members -- # of editors, posters, patchers; and those just w/accounts
    " " for chapters -- # of chaps w/boards, overview page, contact info & reqs.
  • Broadcasts - draft Week, xoxo one-page w/FA blurb
    draft email invite to article-OTD list - with details from one great article a day from our wiki
    (include a quote and a term)
    weekly xoxo meta-section on comm & media - blogs, photos, video, talks, press
  • Lists : talk to Henry about new OTD list, general list reorg
    draft mail to all list owners noting upcoming list changes, update specifications suggestion for merges/renames
    have section for weekly xoxo notes by list and list-grp
  • Other infrastructure
    note need for focus on wikis, lists, and more
  • - rt security: make sure newbies only see a fixed set of queues
  • - teamw security: restore namespace protection
  • - olpcw semwiki : for femslade
    ask for weekly [public] tech/list/infra updates for xoxo
  • RfV : mailing list help; OTD editor; xoxo copyeditor & translators; stats compiler; wiki categorizer(s); rt queues (cont, vol)
  • Offers/email - first-cut stats, status
    curators/coords (C&C) update w/tact, freshness
    post version of 2007 spreadsheet w/ 4 numbers

Other things