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Actividades para Perú, Versión 6
This is a list of activities included in builds for Peru.
[[Image: |40px|Browse icon]]
Browse Browse: org.laptop.WebActivity Web browser based on Mozilla Firefox
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.86)
[[Image: |40px|Read icon]]
Read Read: org.laptop.sugar.ReadActivity Book/PDF reader
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.45)
[[Image: |40px|Write icon]]
Write Write: org.laptop.AbiWordActivity Word processor
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.55)
[[Image: |40px|Record icon]]
Record Record: org.laptop.RecordActivity Still, video, and audio capture
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.54)
[[Image: |40px|TamTamJam icon]]
TamTamJam TamTamJam: org.laptop.TamTamJam Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.48)
[[Image: |40px|TamTamEdit icon]]
TamTamEdit TamTamEdit: org.laptop.TamTamEdit Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.47)
[[Image: |40px|TamTamMini icon]]
TamTamMini TamTamMini: org.laptop.TamTamMini Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.46)
[[Image: |40px|TamTamSynthLab icon]]
TamTamSynthLab TamTamSynthLab: org.laptop.TamTamSynthLab Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.48)
[[Image: |40px|Pippy icon]]
Pippy Pippy: org.laptop.Pippy Python Programming language/environment
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.20)
[[Image: |40px|Etoys icon]]
Etoys Etoys: org.vpri.EtoysActivity Learning / programming / authoring environment
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.80)
[[Image: |40px|Calculate icon]]
Calculate Calculate: org.laptop.Calculate Basic calculator
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.18)
[[Image: |40px|Measure icon]]
Measure Measure: org.laptop.MeasureActivity Oscilloscope and Data Logging
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.17)
[[Image: |40px|Distance icon]]
Distance Distance: org.laptop.AcousticMeasure Measure distance between two laptops
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.12)
[[Image: |40px|Terminal icon]]
Terminal Terminal: org.laptop.Terminal An activity version of the Sugar terminal
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.9)
[[Image: |40px|Log icon]]
Log Log: org.laptop.Log An activity version of the Sugar logging tool
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.6)
[[Image: |40px|Analyze icon]]
Analyze Analyze: org.laptop.Analyze An activity version of the Sugar analyze tool
Download: [{{{activity_bundle_url}}} Peru] (v.5)