Template:SMW display activity-oneline

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In development You can use this template in a semantic query to display 'Activity' semantic information, e.g. the info from Berkeley logo.

Goal is to display information in the same format as Template:Activity and/or Template:Activity-oneline.

Another approach might be to just use format=embedded in the semantic query, which embeds each matching page, and keep the activity info on a subpage, e.g. Berkeley logo/badge

The query that calls it needs to request display of these fields in the same order

  [[ some criteria]] ...
  | format=template
  | template=SMW display activity-oneline
  | ?Name
  | ?Stream
  | ?Build
  | ?Tests component
  | ?Objective
  | ?Feature
  | ?Test Tools
  | ?Test Setup
  | ?Test Procedure
  | ?Expected Results and Pass Criteria
  | ?Comments
<a href="/go/Image:Activity-journal.svg" class="image" title="Activity-journal.svg"><img alt="" src="/images/thumb/6/64/Activity-journal.svg/40px-Activity-journal.svg.png" border="0" height="40" width="40"></a> <a href="/go/Journal" title="Journal">Journal</a>: Object and activity browser
Download: <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/%7Eerikos/journal/Journal-86.xo" class="external text" title="http://dev.laptop.org/~erikos/journal/Journal-86.xo" rel="nofollow">Journal-86.xo</a> (v.86)