Talk:1 hour smoke test
This is more like a 10-hour smoke test, not 1-hour. I think original writer mislabelled the pages for smoke test and 1-hour smoke test.
Joyride 2301 test
will connect to WEP wifi but will keep sending packets to the modem continuously.
All the default activities install and load but "Acoustic Measure" that will try to startup and eventually give up. This is also true for "xoget" and "Speak"
The time zone will stay at UTC even if a different location is selected at the control panel.
other activities installed and run OK: Geoquiz.activity Bounce.activity Implode.activity Scratch.activity Calculate.activity Maze.activity Etoys.activity Pacman.activity TurtleArt.activity Firefox-4.activity FlipSticks.activity map.activity