Easy Sugar updating

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This describes easy USB installation of stable/latest sugar+activities

Sugar installation for dummies

This is "install-sugar-and-activities-on-the-XO for dummies" (like me). Download, unzip, install. You can install either the stable version of Sugar or the development (code-named: joyride) version of Sugar. If you want to install the development version, you have to get a developer key.

Activities (either G1G1 or all) are weekly updated to their last versions. The sugar images are manually updated.

Current Sugar version on this page: os708 / joyride2301
Please report if anything goes wrong. Enjoy!
Last update: 18-08-2008 12:24

Standard installation

  1. Get Sugar-os708-with-g1g1-activities (zip, 276MO) or Joyride2301-with-all-activities (zip, 331MO)
  2. Unzip it onto a USB drive
  3. Plug your USB drive in the XO
  4. Open the Terminal activity
  5. Run this command: sudo olpc-update --usb
  6. Restart the XO (leave the USB drive in its slot)
  7. Let the activities install themselves

Docs for grown-ups

If you are bold enough to dive into OLPC complete wiki documentation, here are a few pointers:

   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Friends_in_testing
   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Taking_a_Joyride
   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Joyride
   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Clean-install_procedure
   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Secure_Upgrade
   * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activated_Upgrade