Typing Turtle

Revision as of 08:16, 23 August 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs)
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Typing Turtle
Typewriter.JPG This activity was Games


Project name: Typing Turtle
2 versions:

  • Normal typing tutor- Undertaken by Kate Scheppke
  • Game-based typing tutor- Undertaken by Prakhar Agarwal

Project Members

Mentor: Mr. Wade Brainerd
Email: wadetb@gmail.com
Time zone:‭ ‬UTC-8:00

  • Developer 1:

Name:‭ Prakhar Agarwal
HomePage: prakhar.jiit.googlepages.com
Email:‭ prakhar.jiit@gmail.com
Time zone:‭ ‬UTC+5:30

  • Developer 2:

Name:‭ Kate Scheppke
Time zone:‭ ‬UTC-8:00


The typing tutor development schedule is posted here.
Game based typing tutor Weekly_Updates and Mock-ups
Rest of the info will be uploaded soon.


Your comments are welcome.

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::Media:TypingTurtle.svg
Genre: Activity genre::Other
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: Short description::A typing tutor game.
Description: Description::A set of game interfaces for learning to type.
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL: Source code::http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=activities/typing-turtle-game;a=summary
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:TypingTutor-2.xo
Last tested version number:
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status: Devel status::3. Alpha
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :