Talk:Release notes/7.1.2

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Revision as of 22:24, 26 August 2008 by CScott (talk | contribs) (Talk:Release Notes/656 moved to Talk:Release notes/7.1.2: Use proper lower-case convention for page titles.)
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User Version of page?

This article is labelled "for developers," but the main news page links to it, so non-dev users may come here to find out how important this update is. Please translate the acronyms and code numbers into plain English or link them to a more user-friendly page. The last paragraph's "needs to..." is ambiguous -- does it or doesn't it? I assume it means users don't have to download and install OLPC_Firmware_q2d07 separately. (It also would help 'consumer confidence' if the "four fixes" header was followed by a list of 4, not 3, items... :-)

Robby 13:51, 6 February 2008 (EST)