Talk:Using QEMU on Windows

Revision as of 18:28, 10 November 2006 by (talk) (Doesn't work)
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It doesn't work. I followed the instructions here and it gives you a login prompt. You can wait, and it will switch to graphics mode, and display a black X cursor on a black screen. Then it will display a cursor on a light grey screen. Then it will exit back to the login prompt without any sort of message as to why. If you wait again it will repeat the process.

I did get a variation of that once, but never again. The first attempt, returned to the login prompt, but then when it repeated the process it gave me a login dialog. I pressed OK (or Enter?) without typing anything in the field, and it dropped me back to the login prompt without a message. Since then it hasn't managed to show that dialog again.

So can we PLEASE get some bloody documentation for this thing????

So that a normal person can actually use it?