Contributors program/September 5, 2008

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where : IRC -, #olpc-meeting
time   : 1800 UTC / 1400 EST
duration: 15 minutes


  • laptops out to date / this week
  • local laptop pools (temporary, long term)
  • process for community review
  • outstanding requests (see below)
    Requests from countries : South Africa, Pakistan, Egypt
    Requests for events : morgs (SA), paulf (deb-ambs), hpachas (peru)
  • bulk chargers, solar and other devices


Projects reviewed

SqueakBot (4)

On the software side, I\'m the main developper of SqueakBot, currently porting it to the XO plateform. I\'ve advanced knowledges of the Squeak environment.

For the next Scifest festival ( in South-Africa, we would like to propose a workshop around robots cooperation. This would involve 4 teams of 2 to 3 children for 3 hours long workshops during a week. Each team would develop control programs for a robot through the XO (cf the SqueakBot project) and set up cooperation schemes to achieve a global mission. Complete project description here:


Our experience with the information technologies is linked to the topic of assistive technologies.

* Experiencia con el hardware:

Our team has experience in adjustment of conventional portable equipment for the use of persons with visual disability; both to a level of monitors as to a level of devices of audio exit.
Likewise, we have experience in the development of simple models of antennas amplifiers of wireless internet sign.

* Experiencia con el Software:

Along our activities, CIDESI has applied programs of access to the computer as screen readers, magnifiers, browsers, speakers, etc. In all these activities, we have worked with licensed programs also with programs of free distribution, for example: Home Page Reader, JFW, DUAL, WebIE, NVDA, WAT, and others.
But, our main experience has been linked with the development of the software Web Infolector. A program that allows acceding to on line books of accessible and simple way. This is a program that is designed to be administered by a blind librarian.

I.	General Analysis

A.	Physical design exam:
To carry out an examination of the keyboard distribution and the control elements of the devices of graphical exit and of audio exit.

B.	Examination of the graphical interfaces and of audio:
It is foreseen to examine the quality and the modulation in the services that the graphical interface offers. An examination that includes the size, the contrast graduation and the elements’ movement of the screen.

C.	Analysis of the user interfaces’ codification: 
It is foreseen to carry out an analysis of the compatibility between the operating system and the video controllers that include the equipment to identify points or aspects of improvement in their performance.

D.	Examination of the audio quality and its configuration options:
In the same way as the previous text, it is foreseen to examine the audio quality with the purpose to facilitate the use of voice synthesis for blind users. Likewise, it will carry out an examination of the options of sound control and the use of earphones.

II.	Development  of an Accessible Model Implemented with Adapted Technologies of Free Distribution

- Incorporation of a module of characters’ magnification
It will develop tests with some of the tools for low vision that run in Fedora, in order to know the equipment behavior and to identify the best services.

-	Configuration of accessibility attributes in the graphical interface
It will carry out configuration and modulation activities of the attributes of graphical interface with the purpose of listing the available options for the final user. It is sought to make the options included for fault compatible in the operating system with the options the help product offers.

-	Configuration of accessibility attributes in the audio interface
This task will be aimed to optimize the sound performance in the equipment and of the operating system, from the own operating system included in the equipment as from the assistance product.

-	Testing of the Proposed Model

Testing of the graphical interface
This activity foresees the participation of users with low vision, people with diverse degrees of diminished vision to know the behavior of the adapted proposals in the model. This activity will develop from the installation of the assistance products up to the configuration of final user.

Testing of the audio interface
This activity includes the participation of blind users. The intention is to validate the sound functionality, the audio qualities through a routine controlled by the own blind user. It is foreseen to list all the control options including the option of make independent the audio display, the video display to allow saving energy of the equipment on the part of the blind users.

III.	Final presentation and production of Recommendations

Production of a video presenting the results 

It is foreseen to edit a video with a routine of use of the accessible model on the part of users with low vision. It is sought to present all the incidents of the user (with visual disability) with the adapted equipment.

Production of a Final report
It will produce a set of punctual recommendations on the presence or lack of accessibility attributes for users with visual disabilities.

Fed. Ambassadors (5)

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