OLPC:Volunteer Infrastructure Group/2008-10-14

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Revision as of 20:24, 15 October 2008 by Dogi (talk | contribs) (New page: Oct 14 17:16:58 <hhardy> Agenda Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> Wiki and website scalability/mirroring -- deployments + G1G1 are coming! Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> download.l.o scalability/mirrorin...)
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Oct 14 17:16:58 <hhardy> Agenda Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> Wiki and website scalability/mirroring -- deployments + G1G1 are coming! Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> download.l.o scalability/mirroring Google, archive.org others? Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> Torrent capability in browse--lfaraone Oct 14 17:16:59 <hhardy> State of rt rt instances for Adric and private Oct 14 17:16:59 <Ian_Daniher> hey dogi Oct 14 17:17:01 <hhardy> new business Oct 14 17:17:02 <dogi> hi all Oct 14 17:17:06 <hhardy> meeting is now Oct 14 17:17:11 <Ian_Daniher> excellent Oct 14 17:17:12 <hhardy> anything to add to agenda? Oct 14 17:17:38 <hhardy> lfaraone: ping? Oct 14 17:18:01 * Culseg (1893d58d@webchat.mibbit.com) has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:18:07 <is4> looking for wordpress guru's Oct 14 17:18:11 <hhardy> anyone have a problem with possibly moving the regular meeting time to tuesday at 4pm edt? Oct 14 17:18:19 <hhardy> I have done a fair amt on wordpress Oct 14 17:18:29 <dogi> no Oct 14 17:18:30 <hhardy> http://scanlyze.wordpress.com/ Oct 14 17:18:45 <dogi> np, hhardy :) Oct 14 17:18:48 <mchua> hhardy: add to agenda - something like gforge for making process of getting repos up less onerous? Oct 14 17:19:13 <hhardy> ok that sounds like a ticket, pls send me one? Oct 14 17:19:16 * mchua looking for semantic mediawiki / plain-ol'-mediawiki / trac gurus Oct 14 17:19:31 <hhardy> trac=noah Oct 14 17:19:36 <hhardy> wiki=sj Oct 14 17:19:52 <hhardy> or possibly seth or francesca Oct 14 17:19:57 <dogi> check old action items? Oct 14 17:20:06 <mchua> hhardy: we might want to talk about gforge here first, since it'd be fairly drastic change in "how to get a repo" structure Oct 14 17:20:23 <mchua> if people here want to go for it then i would file a ticket Oct 14 17:20:25 <adric> hhardy: 4pm would be harder for me Oct 14 17:20:28 <hhardy> there is a script which semi-automates the process now Oct 14 17:20:37 * kimquirk (~kimquirk@can-olpc-nat.media.mit.edu) has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:20:58 <hhardy> /home/olpc-code/scripts bunch of provisioning scripts for repos Oct 14 17:21:15 <mchua> hhardy: ok - anyway, just suggesting gforge as an agenda item, we can get to it in turn once mtg starts if that's ok Oct 14 17:21:24 <mchua> since there is a lot to go through Oct 14 17:21:36 <hhardy> setting up volunteer repositories would be a good task which could devolve to VIG if someone wants to assist with this Oct 14 17:21:44 <hhardy> ok Oct 14 17:22:03 <hhardy> Adding to agenda, something like gforge for making process of getting repos up less onerous? Oct 14 17:22:10 * hhardy has changed the topic to: something like gforge for making process of getting repos up less onerous? Oct 14 17:22:19 <hhardy> ok now carry on Oct 14 17:22:21 <hhardy> :) Oct 14 17:22:41 * mchua grins Oct 14 17:22:46 <mchua> first of all, http://gforge.org/ Oct 14 17:22:56 <mchua> this is a proposal from mitchell charity and others Oct 14 17:22:59 <hhardy> Mel, this is a good thing for a "real volunteer" to implement Oct 14 17:23:07 <mchua> "GForge automatically creates a repository and controls access to it depending on the role settings of the project." Oct 14 17:23:37 <mchua> hhardy: agreed on the "vols should implement this" bit - though i think having it blessed/hosted by olpc would help with adoption even if it's all vol-run Oct 14 17:23:53 <hhardy> yes Oct 14 17:23:59 <mchua> essentially, mitchell proposed a sourceforge-like system for olpc-related codeprojects Oct 14 17:24:01 * unmadindu (~sayamindu@ has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:24:09 <mchua> where anyone could go and make a project, it would autogenerate the repo, etc. Oct 14 17:24:37 <lfaraone> lfaraone: semi-pong Oct 14 17:24:42 <lfaraone> hhardy: * Oct 14 17:24:45 <hhardy> I would be a bit concerned about people spamming/exploiting the system Oct 14 17:24:56 <mchua> basically, "here's something that does what henry's scripts already try to do, but is specifically designed to do it, and has more features that might be useful" Oct 14 17:25:06 <hhardy> you all know how we are constantly spam bombed not only via email but also the public ticket systems Oct 14 17:25:16 <mchua> some rationale is at http://blog.melchua.com/2008/09/28/forging-a-software-development-community/ Oct 14 17:25:28 <lfaraone> hhardy: really? how's that? (ive not see much ticket spam) Oct 14 17:25:29 * kimquirk has quit () Oct 14 17:25:41 <hhardy> mchua: could you put a discussion of the proposal and a link to that on VIG page? Oct 14 17:25:44 <is4> ... why don't we, I don't know, use sf then? Oct 14 17:25:45 <lfaraone> hhardy: and debian uses gforge Oct 14 17:25:49 * Ian_Daniher_ (~it@ has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:25:51 <mchua> hhardy: can do Oct 14 17:25:57 <cjl> What need would gforge satisfy (that isn't met by current tools? Oct 14 17:25:58 <adric> gforge is an awesome package, but it is big and complicated, and unless things have changed in recent revs, wants an entire server for itself Oct 14 17:25:58 <lfaraone> is4: because sf is evil and closed source. Oct 14 17:26:01 <is4> You're not talking about sourceforge in terms of how this would be different Oct 14 17:26:01 <mchua> ACTION ITEM: mchua to put gforge proposal on VIG page Oct 14 17:26:05 <is4> lfaraone, so is launchpad Oct 14 17:26:06 <hhardy> Dennis proposed some time ago that we comsider using FAS Oct 14 17:26:14 <mchua> FAS? Oct 14 17:26:23 <adric> fedora acct system? Oct 14 17:26:23 <lfaraone> is4: launchpad at least promises to be OSS by 2010. Oct 14 17:26:32 <lfaraone> (mid 2009) Oct 14 17:26:36 <hhardy> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/ Oct 14 17:27:00 <cjl> lfaraone: you don't see RT spam because I've deleted 2300 of them Oct 14 17:27:01 <mchua> cjl: gforge would allow people to instantaneously create and give privs to git repos of their own, with mailing lists/forums instantly associated with each project Oct 14 17:27:11 <adric> cjl: *cheer* Oct 14 17:27:24 <cjl> How much of hhardy's time is taken up wiht doing that for people? Oct 14 17:27:25 * lfaraone will likely disappear, here's what I've done: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Firefoxman/Ideas/Bittorrent Oct 14 17:27:26 <mchua> cjl: basically, all that the current app for repo hosting asks and can give you, gforge could too - this just removes the bottleneck of semi-automation that we have now (it seems) Oct 14 17:27:34 <lfaraone> cjl: I thought he ment d.l.o spam. Oct 14 17:27:52 <mchua> lfaraone: i'll make sure to bring up that link again when we get to that agenda item :) Oct 14 17:27:53 <hhardy> it doesnt take all that much of my time BUT sometimes it is a week or two before I get to doing it Oct 14 17:28:00 <mchua> cjl: ^^^ exactly Oct 14 17:28:04 <hhardy> so thats an opportunity cost for the requestors Oct 14 17:28:16 <lfaraone> hhardy: that's it, right there. Oct 14 17:28:25 <cjl> compare opportunity cost for requestors against maintenace cost of gforge Oct 14 17:28:34 <adric> is there a substantial volume of project hosting requests? Oct 14 17:28:45 <hhardy> 2-3 per week probbaly Oct 14 17:28:48 <mchua> adric: would there be more if it was easier to make your own? Oct 14 17:29:08 <mchua> adric: i know of several cases where people have self-hosted their repos because they said "it'll take too long to get one from olpc" Oct 14 17:29:09 <hhardy> mchua: suspect yes Oct 14 17:29:12 <adric> And, another negative argument .. do we really want folks who can't fins some place to host a few pages and a repo themselves? Oct 14 17:29:19 <mchua> adric: what is the harm? Oct 14 17:29:32 <adric> Harm? Not much, just limited resources. Oct 14 17:29:47 * Ian_Daniher has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) Oct 14 17:30:08 <mchua> adric: then i'd say sure, why not? we'll get more noise in the form of a bigger projects list, but hopefully that will also bring more signal (and inactive projects == easily ignored) Oct 14 17:30:19 <mchua> here's what I propose Oct 14 17:30:21 <adric> Put another way, why does OLPC need/want to host all of these projects? Oct 14 17:30:23 <hhardy> let's table this till we have a proposal on the table Oct 14 17:30:32 <mchua> ok, i'll post proposal to VIG wikipage for discussion Oct 14 17:30:41 <hhardy> so that people will write activities for us Oct 14 17:30:50 <cjl> Everyone have VIG page on their watchlist? Oct 14 17:30:57 <dogi> +1 Oct 14 17:31:00 <mchua> and then people can hurl objections/ideas/discussion against it - if no major objections come up by the next meeting i'll start looking for vols to implement Oct 14 17:31:08 <hhardy> mchua: ok Oct 14 17:31:21 <mchua> cool. so Oct 14 17:31:21 <hhardy> one objection per child Oct 14 17:31:40 * hhardy has changed the topic to: Wiki and website scalability/mirroring -- deployments + G1G1 are coming! Oct 14 17:31:48 <mchua> ACTION ITEM: mchua post gforge proposal to VIG wikipage, invite vig to comment, bring up next week for volunteer hunting if no major objections Oct 14 17:31:49 * cjl wonders when we went object-oriented Oct 14 17:32:01 <adric> Ouch. :) Oct 14 17:32:08 <hhardy> wiki.l.o had more than a million page views according to goog analytics from 9/08 to 10/08 according to is4 Oct 14 17:32:40 <mchua> hhardy : is that a one-to-one and onto objections-to-children mapping? (one child per objection) Oct 14 17:32:43 <hhardy> I'd like to have reliable stats for all the wikis and major public facing assets Oct 14 17:32:50 <mchua> public facing stats? Oct 14 17:32:58 <is4> public facing assets Oct 14 17:33:04 <cjl> hhardy: do you have wstat on www.l.o? Oct 14 17:33:07 <is4> but no reason not to make them public facing is wanted Oct 14 17:33:10 <hhardy> web sites, wiki, git, mailing lists, mail server Oct 14 17:33:18 <mchua> is4: right but should the stats for public facing assets also be publicly available? Oct 14 17:33:28 <hhardy> not necessarily Oct 14 17:33:44 <is4> two issues, getting them doesn't mean we have to publish them Oct 14 17:33:49 <is4> we need to have them regardless Oct 14 17:33:51 <mchua> trac == also public facing asset Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] (~adric@adsl-065-007-149-211.sip.asm.bellsouth.net): Adric Net Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] oxygen.oftc.net :Ann Arbor, MI, USA Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] :actually using host Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] idle 00:01:54, signon: Tue Oct 14 15:54:22 Oct 14 17:33:55 * [adric] End of WHOIS list. Oct 14 17:33:59 <hhardy> awstats is set up on d.l.o Oct 14 17:34:13 <is4> I attempted to get analytics going on l.o Oct 14 17:34:18 <hhardy> I have a script which takes the weekly logs and reassembles a big log file to run stats Oct 14 17:34:26 <hhardy> more than 10GB long simple logfile Oct 14 17:34:34 <hhardy> takes quite a while to run Oct 14 17:34:43 <adric> Ugh. that will take .. yeah and own the machine while it's doing it Oct 14 17:35:23 <hhardy> yeah need to make it so that awstats gets updated when logrotate runs I think Oct 14 17:35:46 <hhardy> good stats becomes important for knoing when to scale things before they break Oct 14 17:36:01 <lfaraone> is4: analytics doens't track activity downloads :( Oct 14 17:36:04 <adric> On web servers at work, we turn over logs and run stats at midnight server time .. makes for a lot of alerts that hout Oct 14 17:37:01 <hhardy> ACTION ITEM: HH to get awstats working Oct 14 17:37:14 <hhardy> in a more automated way Oct 14 17:38:11 <cjl> maybe look at BetterAWStats Oct 14 17:38:34 <dogi> for which domains, hhardy? Oct 14 17:38:42 <hhardy> ACTION ITEM: HH to look at BetterAWStats Oct 14 17:38:58 <hhardy> laptop.org, laptopfoundation.org, laptopgiving.org Oct 14 17:39:05 <hhardy> l.o would include wikis Oct 14 17:39:13 <dogi> nice :) Oct 14 17:40:16 <cjl> Haven't tried it myself, but might be of interest http://betterawstats.com/main/a/features Oct 14 17:40:31 <cjl> Looks like it might add what you are looking for. Oct 14 17:40:38 <mchua> can i request a list somewhere of who should be able to view what stats? Oct 14 17:42:26 <hhardy> cscott says nobody is complaining about download so he doesnt want to talk about scaling it Oct 14 17:42:39 * dgilmore_ is now known as dgilmore Oct 14 17:42:40 * hhardy has changed the topic to: download.l.o scalability/mirroring Oct 14 17:43:39 * cjb (~cjb@pullcord.laptop.org) has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 17:43:42 <cjb> hi Oct 14 17:43:53 <cjl> hi Oct 14 17:44:11 <hhardy> cjb could you comment on concerns about download.l.o scaling? Oct 14 17:44:12 <cjb> we don't think there will be scaling problems with dow.l.o. there's nothing hitting it automatically. Oct 14 17:44:32 <cjl> sounds like action item is monitor usage. Oct 14 17:44:54 <hhardy> ACTION ITEM: monitor download.l.o stats Oct 14 17:45:11 <hhardy> might be interesting to know even if scaling per se isn't a problem Oct 14 17:45:50 <hhardy> I haven't had a chance to talk about the archive.org acct with SJ yet Oct 14 17:46:07 <cjl> hard to make an argument for scaling in absence of documented capacity issues. Adding capacity won't fix things if they are not capacity issues (usually) Oct 14 17:46:14 <hhardy> yes Oct 14 17:46:33 <hhardy> Lfaraone is going to write up something about his torrent proposal Oct 14 17:46:41 <mchua> he did already, http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Firefoxman/Ideas/Bittorrent Oct 14 17:46:51 * mchua needs to run - back online @ home Oct 14 17:46:54 * hhardy has changed the topic to: Torrent capability in browse--lfaraone Oct 14 17:46:58 <hhardy> awesome Oct 14 17:47:05 * mchua is now known as mchua|away Oct 14 17:47:34 <hhardy> There seems to be no text in that page Oct 14 17:48:05 * hhardy has changed the topic to: state of rt Oct 14 17:48:28 <cjl> Cap T Oct 14 17:48:37 <hhardy> ok Oct 14 17:48:39 <cjl> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Firefoxman/Ideas/BitTorrent Oct 14 17:48:53 <dogi> :) Oct 14 17:49:29 <hhardy> adric: hows rt? Oct 14 17:49:34 <adric> Wiki is picky about caps Oct 14 17:49:47 <adric> hhardy: I haven't heard anything much. Do you try cloning it? Oct 14 17:49:52 <hhardy> no not yet Oct 14 17:50:11 <adric> Any word from on high about categories? Oct 14 17:50:33 <hhardy> no word from on high, I havent had time to sort through and make categories yet Oct 14 17:50:45 <cjl> I would love the opportunity to discuss categories with someone empowered t odo somethign about it. Oct 14 17:50:52 <hhardy> that would be me Oct 14 17:50:52 <adric> kim... is not still here? Drat. Oct 14 17:51:06 * cjl has thing for categories, ontologies, metadata controlled vocabularies and the like Oct 14 17:51:10 <adric> Do we want to do that here/now? Oct 14 17:51:16 <cjl> no Oct 14 17:51:22 * herlo has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) Oct 14 17:51:30 <cjl> insufficient caffeine reserves Oct 14 17:51:56 <hhardy> no but send me your ideas pls cjl or post to list or from project page? Oct 14 17:51:57 <adric> Right. I want/need kim's input on that , and then we'll book an argument ^W meeting. Oct 14 17:52:05 <cjl> Too slow by IRC anyway, I'd love to mess wit hsomething on teamwiki maybe Oct 14 17:52:08 <adric> Yes, please post later. Oct 14 17:52:32 * hhardy has changed the topic to: new business Oct 14 17:52:37 <hhardy> anything further? Oct 14 17:52:53 <adric> Any word from jgay ? I haven't heard from him. Oct 14 17:52:56 <cjl> processed luncehon meats? Oct 14 17:53:18 <cjl> *luncheon Oct 14 17:53:22 <Culseg> If RT categories discussion is open elsewhere, I'm interested Oct 14 17:53:25 <hhardy> Dogi do you want to talk about MeetServ? Oct 14 17:53:32 <dogi> jupp Oct 14 17:53:52 <dogi> but i m not finished with that right now Oct 14 17:53:54 <hhardy> Culseg its an open topic, I suggest taking it on the olpc-sysadmin list Oct 14 17:54:10 <hhardy> Dogi did a nice job on the meeting notes from last 2 mtngs Oct 14 17:54:19 <hhardy> thanks Dogi Oct 14 17:54:21 <dogi> i iss bot designed for having meeting log automaticaly save as a html Oct 14 17:54:40 <adric> Culseg: Please mail your thoughts to the list, or wiki them? Oct 14 17:54:47 <cjl> Culseg: maybe we should make Adam turn categories into a topic to raisein a Sunday SG call SG'ers are teh ones that need to understand them and gmgmt are the ones that want the info they encode. Oct 14 17:55:01 <dogi> http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot Oct 14 17:55:01 <cjl> *mgmt Oct 14 17:55:08 <hhardy> I'm concerned with categories for sysadmin queue Oct 14 17:55:55 <hhardy> Dogi will you be able/willing to continue as secretary? Oct 14 17:56:29 <dogi> jupp, as long the bot is not finished :) Oct 14 17:56:42 <cjl> hhardy: I think you should be able to pick whatever cats you want for sysadmin, I think cats for help and vol and content need to be in right bin sizes and across those queues. Oct 14 17:57:04 <hhardy> herding cats :) Oct 14 17:57:17 * adric nods, after shooing a cat out of my lap. Oct 14 17:57:45 <hhardy> last call? Oct 14 17:57:49 <cjl> meetbot sounds good, in theory Oct 14 17:58:20 <dogi> i already saw one in action ... Oct 14 17:58:28 <hhardy> my .sig atm is: The best material model of a cat is another, or preferably the same, cat. Oct 14 17:58:36 <adric> heheh Oct 14 17:58:55 <cjl> dogi have you seen triagebot in action during the bug-scrubs on #oolpc-meeting? Oct 14 17:58:58 <dogi> that system worked nice .... even during a meeting u can reread what was going on Oct 14 17:59:05 <dogi> no Oct 14 17:59:36 <adric> That triagebot is pretty nifty, yeah :) Oct 14 17:59:42 <cjl> something M-stone cooked up I think. Runs through untriaged trac tix, gives summaries, acceptws tags, etc. Oct 14 17:59:48 <dogi> cjl tell us more? Oct 14 18:00:12 <cjl> They have (or dod have) bug scrubs at 1:00 Eastern Oct 14 18:00:20 <cjb> it's an IRC bot that uses trac's xml-rpc interface. what in particular are you interested in? Oct 14 18:00:32 <cjl> Would need to cover 10-20 tix in rapid succession Oct 14 18:00:45 <dogi> can he write wiki (mediawiki) Oct 14 18:00:48 <cjb> no Oct 14 18:00:55 <cjb> I mean, the bot can't Oct 14 18:00:57 <cjl> speaks trac though :-) Oct 14 18:01:02 <cjb> I think it is almost entirely unrelated to a meeting bot Oct 14 18:01:05 <cjb> other than that it is a bot. Oct 14 18:01:10 <dogi> thats what i m into ... Oct 14 18:01:31 <cjl> Wasn't suggesting it was a suitable meetbot, soprry if that was unclear Oct 14 18:02:12 <hhardy> ok folks we seem to be done for this week Oct 14 18:02:35 <cjl> hhardy: Is it true you guys are going to look at your own spam soln? Oct 14 18:02:39 <hhardy> ---END--- Oct 14 18:02:43 <dogi> cu Oct 14 18:02:47 <hhardy> soln? Oct 14 18:02:54 <cjl> solution Oct 14 18:03:01 <cjl> sorry scientist shorthand Oct 14 18:03:19 <hhardy> the mail transport on rt.l.o is exim4 Oct 14 18:03:26 <hhardy> blocklist is implemented Oct 14 18:03:35 <hhardy> next step could be something like spam assassin Oct 14 18:04:01 <cjl> It would be nice if there was a mechanism to get feed back from RT actions Oct 14 18:04:23 <hhardy> in Henry's lexicon, "anytime you see "solution" in a document, substitute "problem" Oct 14 18:04:50 <hhardy> 1,$s/solution/problem/g :) Oct 14 18:04:55 <adric> hhardy: unless anyone likes exim4, I'd prefer a standard postfix-amavis-spama-clamav setup Oct 14 18:05:24 <hhardy> I don't dislike it but its an orphan as for as OLPC Oct 14 18:05:27 <adric> And while I'm wishing etch -> lenny needs to be considered Oct 14 18:05:48 <hhardy> I think solar is straight Debian Oct 14 18:06:05 <cjb> [cjb@solar ~]$ cat /etc/issue Oct 14 18:06:05 <cjb> Fedora release 7 (Moonshine) Oct 14 18:06:11 <hhardy> hmmm ok Oct 14 18:07:00 <hhardy> but rt: Oct 14 18:07:02 <hhardy> root@rt:/# cat /etc/issue Oct 14 18:07:02 <hhardy> Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 \n \l Oct 14 18:07:13 <cjb> oh, the vserver Oct 14 18:07:28 <hhardy> I mean "rt on solar" Oct 14 18:07:32 <cjb> but does rt run a mail server? Oct 14 18:07:39 <hhardy> yes Oct 14 18:07:43 <cjb> huh Oct 14 18:07:49 <cjb>  % host -t mx rt.laptop.org Oct 14 18:07:49 <cjb> rt.laptop.org mail is handled by 10 spam.laptop.org. Oct 14 18:08:08 <cjb> that suggests it isn't used. what am I missing? Oct 14 18:08:56 <adric> it gets there eventually somehow, since that where we had to fix the email aliases Oct 14 18:09:07 <cjb> boggle. okay.  :) Oct 14 18:09:32 <cjb> oh, I guess if the aliases contain @rt directly, it doesn't matter what the mx records say Oct 14 18:09:38 * m_stone (~mstone@dhcp-47-72.media.mit.edu) has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 18:09:48 <hhardy> yes Oct 14 18:10:16 <hhardy> woo hoo m_stone :) Oct 14 18:10:50 <hhardy> what do you all think of the idea to use torrents to distribute XO updates? Oct 14 18:10:52 <cjb> spamasssassin would be fine. I use spamassassin+exim4 on my Debian colo server. Oct 14 18:11:10 <cjb> hhardy: I think it's a solution without a problem. Oct 14 18:11:26 <cjb> which seems to be regularly the case here. Oct 14 18:11:29 <hhardy> yes it is something ffm proposed :) Oct 14 18:11:40 <cjb> ah :) Oct 14 18:12:06 <cjb> I'm not going to stop someone seeding some builds on bittorrent. but it's clearly not actually needed. Oct 14 18:13:06 <hhardy> cjb: what the developers see as problems and what the community sees as problems are pretty much disjunct Oct 14 18:13:20 <adric> Aww.. but this is overall quite true. Oct 14 18:13:49 <cjb> hhardy: that seems like a problem. Oct 14 18:14:37 <hhardy> its a matter of emphasis, and who knows what Oct 14 18:14:39 <cjb> the people proposing improvements to our infrastructure should try to be knowledgeable about where the problems in our infrastructure are -- there are certainly plenty of problems to go around. maybe we're not making them known? maybe they're less sexy to fix than magic bittorrent crack is? Oct 14 18:15:08 <hhardy> some of each I would think Oct 14 18:15:53 <hhardy> it is very helpful when developers participate in these meetings as you have dome Oct 14 18:15:57 <hhardy> *done Oct 14 18:16:22 <adric> New toys shinier than fixing the stuff we use. Oct 14 18:16:56 <adric> Not that i'm bitter or anything *cough* Oct 14 18:17:17 <hhardy> I hope not adric Oct 14 18:17:29 <hhardy> I for one very much appreciate what you are doing Oct 14 18:17:44 <adric> thanks! Oct 14 18:17:52 * cjl sends adric warm fuzzies Oct 14 18:17:59 <adric> I'm sticking with it, just still adjusting to the speed of change. Oct 14 18:18:29 <hhardy> its a herd of cats the size of a glacier Oct 14 18:18:46 <cjl> and moving qat the same pace :-) Oct 14 18:18:46 * herlo (~clints@ has joined #olpc-admin Oct 14 18:18:52 <adric> thanks cjl