OLPC Italy

Revision as of 22:31, 30 October 2008 by DanielDrake (talk | contribs) (simplify script)
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This page can be used to document usage of the OLPC Italy and it was firstly written during the FOSDEM 2008

Currently, only a small number of developers have OLPC hardware in the Italy. Anyway Bernardo Innocenti and Marco Pesenti Gritti are maybe the two most known italian developers at the OLPC Foundation.

767 Build on Italian XO

Unfortunally there is a bug on 767 build and the italian keyboard not work. If you have an XO with Italian keyboard, you can run this script from terminal activity.

sudo sed -i -e 's/include "basic"/include "it(basic)"/' /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/it

You can use cut&paste from your XO or put it in a text file in a USB storage, put in the XO device and again use the terminal activity to run it using root privilegies.

Course to Teacher

The 16th and 17th of October there was a course to Teachers and Technics to explain about the use of XO.

Here you can find the slides

[Morning of 16th - technics presentation - PDF version]
[Morning of 16th - technics presentation - openoffice version]
[Afternoon of 16th - technics presentation - PDF version]
[Afternoon of 16th - technics presentation - openoffice version]
[17th - Presentation to the Teachr - PDF version]
[17th - Presentation to the Teachr - openoffice version]

Demonstrations of the laptop

There have been many demos of the XO's laptops, especially in Florence, but none wide public yet has been organized. We are looking for anyone with enough spare time and skills to achieve the first one.


Get involved

The spirit of OLPC includes one core thing: the community. This includes everyone, from the children and their families to their teachers and everyone who is collaborating towards the success of the project.

How to get in touch
* #olpc-it on oftc.net
* or by click on this link