Kids Tips

Revision as of 22:53, 30 November 2008 by (talk) (Student Comments)
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This is a special page that kids from all around the world can update with cool ideas, applications, and other tips about their XOs :) Please encourage children you are working with to contribute to this page!

Many thanks to the Australia kids who helped create this page and put their wonderful ideas and experiences online!

Benefits for kids

  • Fun way to learn.
  • Helps children learn the basic skills that they may need in the future.

Cool applications

  • Chat - Great way for children to communicate quickly and easily.
  • Browse - Basicly wireless Internet on the XO's.
  • Etoys - Game design program with easy walkthroughs.
  • Bounce - Great for hand-eye coordination.
  • Tam Tam Jam - A fun and easy music mixer.

Useful links

  • OLPC Activities - You are able to download a wide range of games and applications.


(First names only please! Please don't add your schools or other identifying information)

  • Pia
  • Caleb
  • Zoe

Student Comments

  • Caleb - These Laptops a great. There vestile and have a heap of educatinal programs. When our teacher told us that we were getting laptops. I thought cool were getting laptops but when they arrived I thought how weird but they are 10 times better than any normal laptop.