Copy to and from the Journal

Revision as of 05:30, 9 December 2008 by Yamaplos (talk | contribs) (To a USB stick)
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  1. Comment : there's some whitespace here:

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  1. maybe desc none is better. testing.

desc none


To a USB stick

Insert a USB stick

start the Terminal Activity, and type

cp /home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore/store/* /media/KINGSTON

replacing KINGSTON by the name of your USB stick. To find what that name is, go to Journal and hover with the mouse over the USB stick symbol.

This sort of works, but after a few files gives me an "out of space" error Yamaplos 05:30, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

To remove the USB stick in the Journal hover over the USB stick symbol until you get the "unmount" option, click on it, wait until the USB symbol disappears, then take your USB to any other computer. Filenames are heavily hashed, meaning "myfile.bzip" might show up as 2637-4737-13323-dl77nf, or some such gibberish.

Copy to Journal Script

The script written by Reinier Heeres and Phil Bordelon allows you to copy files from the Linux filesystem into to the Sugar Journal.

Once you've gotten the script (see below), start the Terminal Activity, and type FILENAME -g -t TITLE

But replace:

  • FILENAME with the name you saved in the filesystem,
  • TITLE with the name you want in the journal.

-g means *guess* the mime-type (via the file command). If you want to specify the mime-type explicitly, just add -m MIMETYPE instead of -g

Copy from Journal script

The script allows you to copy files from the Sugar Journal to the Linux filesystem.

Once you've gotten it (see below), start the Terminal Activity, and type -t NAME

But replace NAME with the name you saved in the Journal.

Getting these scripts

767, G1G1v2, and later

Later builds have these scripts already installed in /usr/bin already. You don't need to do anything but just use them, as above.

Older builds

For older builds, get the script by starting the Terminal activity and typing:

cd /home/olpc 
wget -O
wget -O can then use them by following the directions in the sections above by typing 'python ' (without the quotes) before the beginning of the line with the script, like this:

python ...
python ...

(the full, non-tinyurl urls are in the links in the previous sections, if you don't trust tinyurl and/or want to cut and paste them (Ctrl-C to copy from Browse's address bar, and Control-Shift-V to paste into the Terminal))


You can find another version of these scripts at . Insert non-formatted text here