ILXO Boston Pilot

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ILXO Boston Pilot

The IMSA OLPC Chapter will be traveling to Boston to launch a classroom deployment of OLPC the week of January 4-9. Stay tuned, we will be posting more information and pictures soon! Participants: Arjun Nayini Jason Olson Katie Tu Scott Swanson, Mel Chua, Yifan Sun

- Goals for the Boston Pilot -

+ Customization Key for CFS

+ Documentation of the Deployment Process

+ Meeting with CFS teachers in order to explain details

+ Set up a server at CFS

-Things that would be nice (if we have time)-

+ Student tech team

+ acceptance testing for SugarLabs

-Notes from 1/3/09 (KATIE)- Explained basics of how an XO works (technical aspect) Software stack-layering model-each layer interacts with the other (layered from physical (bottom) to activities (top)

XO/Application Interface (API): Activities Journal Sugar Non-Sugar OS (Fedora-ish) Open Firmware Shell, Kernel, Network Hardware

Define Build: Activities-->OS (Fedora-ish) Customization Key--> Activities (bundles) Development Key--> password that gives you permission to use currently being developed builds (builds that are non-signed and non-released)

Sugar::windows; education::business WINDOWS business based i.e. my documents/files SUGAR education based i.e. communities, activities 1.sharing=collabration (mesh network, my neighborhood) 2.reflecting/documenting=journal 3. discovery=activities everything is automatically saved-->history is logged by the applications

    shows learning/process of thinking 

The Development Cycle::Textbook writing Process Build 1--> Build 2--> Build 3-->Build 4 release a build every six months first start adding whatever you want then start editing get a release candidate fact check spell check release. (but at the same time everything is still being updated) you can update like firefox(?)

School Server and Mesh Network SERVER one hub with people connecting from one distance MESH one hub with one person person connected from them...peer to peer connecting much better when in a faraway place (i.e. village in the middle of the dessert); one access point SCHOOL SERVER 1. gives infrastructure access point; mesh 2. squid=local cache; able to see what is used a lot, save on the server and save it locally 3. local moodle=community level content; common web server +mailserver +establishing a city library

Tasks Arjun-build/customization key FudCon conference

Jason-school server (with Scott)

Katie-teachers/parents side making sure everything goes smoothly

-Notes from 1/4/09- Prepared for meeting with Mac/Katelyn at 5PM 30 minutes success criteria: know what we're doing with CFS through Harvard when "working relationship

Tried to use Emulator on Windows at first try, cannot connect to network even after entering wireless name into server shut down open again-worked on jason's and katie's computer check for software updates it works!

Learned Terminal command lines cd: change directory ls: list contents cp: copy cd ..: go up in directory cp -r: copy recursive (copies everything in the folder) rm: remove wget: download mu: move

Journal (technical)


How to download new programs

What build is and why it matters

Brief introduction in how networking works

Sharing activities with each other

Connecting to an access point