OLPC Santa Barbara California Partners Plan

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I. Objectives (4):

1) Providing XO Laptops: Bringing the XO to California Elementary students to empower them to engage in their own education in new ways, through the self-motivating and self-learning XO laptop.

2) Developing Software and Working with Teachers to Develop Further XO Based Curriculums: To develop and document successful teaching strategies and curriculums using the XO in the classroom. This includes development of new programs and software.

3) Connecting classrooms: Connecting classrooms in California with classrooms around the world, with new software and groundbreaking ways of utilizing the XO technology. Providing children with a “window to the world”, where they can connect and interact with partner schools established through OLPC, SB anywhere in the world.

4) Documentation/ Creating a Resource Model: Documenting, assessing, and creating a resource model out of our efforts that will be used to replicate the OLPC, SB Model throughout the United States, and to train others on how to develop a successful partnership program.

II. Program Elements:

1) 100 or More XO Laptop Transaction: $25,900.00 in equipment minimum and possibly an 'OLPC School Server' as may be required; and OLPC, SB support $3-6,000.00. This translates to an estimated 3-4 classrooms per school.

2) Support/ Mentor System (Per School)

One Student Tech Support/ Mentor
-To facilitate Phased Levels of support- FAQ Booklet, Email, Correspondence with Laptop.org

One Student Program Coordinator
-To be primary point contact between OLPC, SB and Partner Schools.
-To conduct Research, Evaluation, and Documentation of student/teacher interactions and learning through XO.

Both students are to work closely with Principle/ Teachers involved in XO program.

3) Software Development:
-UCSB Interdisciplinary Students will develop educational curriculum-based and self-learning based programs designed for the XO.
-Programs will be given to Partner Schools for usage, development, feedback, and evaluation.

III. Implementation Strategy:

1) OLPC, SB Program Presentation To Potential Partner School
-Presentation of XO laptop, global program and initiatives, local success and programs already running

2) Approval From School Board

3) Program Presentation To Potential Donors
-Presentation of XO laptop, global program and initiatives, local success and programs already running.

4) Partner School Selection
-Selection of suitable international partner school for peer 2 peer interaction and collaboration.

5) Laptop Distribution to students

6) Teacher, Curriculum, and International Partner Development
-Aid teachers in developing appropriate curriculum for XO laptops and students.
-Include program to work with international students and facilitate peer to peer connection and interactions.

7) Monthly Evaluation
-Create Evaluation Sheet for Teachers and Students to fill out. Followed up by short discussion with teachers.
-Monthly evaluation of program
-Reality check with teachers: What is working? What isn’t? What are the children engaging with most? What significant changes have you noticed with the children as a result of the XO in your classroom? What is the interaction with your International Partner school bringing to the classrooms?.....

IV. Methods For Evaluation & Analysis

1) Evaluation Sheets (Monthly for 1st two months, than bi-monthly thereafter)
-Contains specific questions about laptop usage, in class and out of class. One set for the kids, one set for teachers, one set for parents.
(i) What tools are the kids using most?
(ii) What tools are they using the least?
(iii) What do teachers feel the kids are learning through the laptops?
(iv) How has the atmosphere in the classroom changed?
(v) Are children more motivated and excited to learn when they are using the XO’s for class assignments and projects?
(vi) How has the XO changed doing homework assignments and time allocated to schoolwork at home?.....
(vii) Ect....

2) OLPC SB Coordinator / Teacher Principle Conference (Monthly)
-The OLPC SB Student Program Coordinator of the specific school will sit down with teachers/principle and discuss use of XO in the classroom. Topics will include:
(i) How have you designed your lesson plans to incorporate or use the XO?
(ii) What things have you been able to teach that you could not previously teach without the XO?
(iii) How have you changed your teaching methods and strategies to accommodate the XO in the classroom?
(iv) How has using the XO for collaborative projects changed the way the children work together?
(v) Ect…..please add!

3) What Do We Consider Successful?