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a bit about the EscueLab: Escuelab is an iniciative of ATA (Alta Tecnologia Andina - non profit organization working in Lima, Perú for over 12 years in culture and technology).

Through a partnership of ATA and the Prince Claus Fund (Netherlands), the EscueLab space/project is beeing supported for the next three years.

The mission of EscueLab is to provide space/infrastructure that has been missing for young researchers/artists of the Andean Region to develop projects bridging the gap between technology and society.

Our interests span over a wide range of subjects related to technology appropiation, artistic and technological practices, technology in education, technology recycling, among others...

EscueLab is beeing implemented in a 500m2 space in the center of Lima.

The planned activities of EscueLab include conference hosting, open workshops, project incubation, and a creators-in-residence program.

The infrastructure provided by EscueLab for those activities includes:

  • three rooms for conference hosting,
  • a hardware hack lab and warehouse,
  • one PC lab, for programming workshops
  • communications lab for video documentation of activities.
  • dorms, kitchen and ateliers for up to eight creators in residence.

about our interest in XO EscueLab - Lima Centro is interested in becoming an XO repair center / volunteering hub. Not as part of a business model, but because it´s part of a necessary mission: rescate XO

Getting a small stock of XO machines to be refurbished could be an excellent start for devising our methodology.
