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Regular meetings.


Support meetings: Sundays 4PM EST/EDT (call for volunteers doing real work, guest speakers, & friends)

Deployment meetings: Tuesdays 3PM EST/EDT (#olpc-meeting on

Volunteer Infra Group sysadmin helpers: Tuesdays 4PM EST/EDT (#olpc-admin on

Contributors Program: Fridays 2PM EST/EDT (#olpc-meeting on


Outreach: outreach and events review, every Friday at 2:15 EST/EDT

G1G1: every week; time TBD. The frist meeting will be Friday Oct 10 at 1200 EST.

This year many people are working to make the G1G1 program more visible and useful to different groups - including those working on their own projects in education, sustainable development, green power and long-term poverty alleviation. We could use help triaging new offers of support and collaboration, organizing related OLPC projects at different universities and research groups towards their common goals, following up on existing projects to help give them visibility, and help presenting the program at events and conferences around the world.

Open houses: every Saturday 1200-1600, at the MIT Museum or OLPC HQ in Kendall Square

Semantics: Show all meetings

This shows all meetings with a Property:Start date.


 | ?Start date = start
 | ?End date = end  
 | format=timeline|link=all
 | timelinebands=DAY,WEEK,MONTH
 | timelineposition=start
 | timelinesize=200px
 | sort=start date
 | limit=50  


Specific meetings

Don't do this, create a page for your meeting


  • 2008-08-30, 2000 UTC : learning content discussion w/caryl, brian jordan, david c, et al.



  • 15.00 UTC
    • XS schoolserver meeting in #olpc-xs (
    • Sugar dev meeting in #olpc-meeting (