OLPCorps UofColorado Namibia

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In the 1990s, community-run nature Conservancies formed in Namibia’s wildlife-rich rural areas to thwart poachers, increase animal populations and generate funds from tourism for rural development projects. Elephant Energy (www.elephantenergy.org)was formed by University of Colorado Students, faculty and alumni to assist the Conservancies and their support organizations, the World Wildlife Fund and IRDNC, to promote rural development and nature conservation though the dissemination of appropriate, low-cost renewable energy technologies in Conservancy areas. To that end, Elephant Energy distributed 50 BoGo solar-powered flashlights (www.bogolight.com) in August 2008 to the Caprivi Region’s nine Conservancies and plans to distribute over 1000 more in the fall of 2009. Like the lights, the 100 XO laptops will be used as seed technology to encourage Conservancies to invest money earned from tourism in life-changing products. Elephants, which only a decade ago were feared and poached, will help to light the homes and educate the youth of Namibia.

We will donate 25 laptops apiece to each of four rural, off-the-grid elementary schools in four separate Conservancies in the Caprivi Region of Namibia, focusing on 6-12 year-old learners. Arrangements for solar power supply (150 Watt systems for each school) will be made prior to our arrival in Namibia with the assistance of the WWF and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. While the school will receive the laptop, a small group of learners (4 maximum) will “own” the laptop during each term, to broaden the reach of the program and promote sharing. The participating schools will be chosen with the assistance of interested Conservancy chairman during April and May.

Please e-mail elephantenergy@gmail.com if you are interested in helping with our project.

For more information, visit www.elephantenergy.org