OLPCorps Cornell Mauritania

Revision as of 14:02, 23 March 2009 by Jelkins (talk | contribs)
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Who we are:

Mission Statement

  • We are a group of socially conscious, technically inclined students at Cornell University who wish to improve education in Africa. We believe that OLPC and its constructionist, hands-on learning method is the best way to do this.
  • We are going to use technology for the rest of our lives in whatever profession we choose. Acknowledging this, it is necessary to share a part of what we have been given. All children can succeed if given the right tools. We need to go out and share the technology that has enabled us to learn.
  • Improving literacy is the best application of this technology.

When we want to do it

  • Summer 2009 - June 20th-August 20th


  • Tdjikja, Mauritania

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="18.559205" lon="-11.431832" zoom="15"> 18.558205, -11.426863 Tidjikdja, Tagant Location of the Girls Mentoring Center </googlemap>

750 Word Formal Proposal

-coming soon

Supporting Documentation

Proposed Budget

ROUGH Deployment Plan & Notes

Letter of Support
