OLPCorps IU Kenya

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Indiana University HCI/d Kenya Team

Name Major Undergraduate School Undergraduate Major Email Website
Robert Kariuki Human Computer Interaction Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi Kenya ? karugah@gmail.com http://sites.google.com/site/karugah/
Thalith Nasir Human Computer Interaction DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana Computer Science, Economics thalith@gmail.com http://www.thalith.com


Our local partner, Kijabe Primary is located in central Kenya. It is a little over an hour away from Nairobi. The school has over 400 students (grade 1 to 8) who come from very needy families but we will be working with the 5th and 6th grades. The students will be present for the first 7 weeks but will go on holiday after that. We would use that time to prepare the teachers to take over primary responsibilities of the project after our departure.


Item Details Per Person Amount
Airfare Indianapolis - Nairobi RT $1800 $3600
Nairobi - Kigali RT $350 $700
Food $12/day $840 $1680
Housing $5/day $350 $700
Ground Transportation $250 $500
Transportation of laptops $250
Cellphone Handset (for one) $30
Cellphone Credit (for two) $100
Internet Installation $200
Service for six months $40/month $240
Additional storage(USB Drives) $10/drive $1000
Immunizations Yellow fever and malaria (for two) $140 $280
Misc Visa (Rwanda-Thalith) $60 $60
Visa (Kenya-Thalith) $100 $100
Contingency Funds $560

Project Ideas

Supporting Organizations

Local Contacts

1. Carole Kariuki

Policy Advisor, Kenya Private Sector Alliance

2. Alex Mugo

CEO, Parapet Cleaning Services