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PyoLogo [pie-o-logo] or PYthon Open Logo is an implementation of the Logo programing environment created on top of Python. It grew out of Arnan (Roger) Sipitakiat's thesis project at the MIT Media Laboratory. PyoLogo consists of a casual Logo interpreter and a simple IDE.


Current Status

Since PyoLogo is currently thesis software, it is far from being a complete product. Here is a list of things it can and cannot do.

  • Supports a subset of Logo primitives.
    • Most of the Turtle Geometry (drawing) primitives are available.
    • List and list manipulation commands
    • Common control flow
    • Variables. Using the 'make' command and some other alternatives.
  • Supports multiple procedures with parameter passing and procedure output
  • Multi-threaded. I.e. the 'launch' and 'forever' commands creates a new background process