OLPCorps BU WM Stellenbosch South Africa Bios

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OLPCorps BU, William and Mary, U of Stellenbosh SOUTH AFRICA

Team Member Bios:

Hillary Weimont grew up in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. She graduated from Stonehill College in 2008 with a BA in Political Science and International Studies. While at Stonehill, she founded Students for the Promotion of Global Awareness, organizing events and campaigns for awareness on campus, including a fundraiser for the ISOS Kaymandi Project. She was also the Vice President of the Student Alumni Association, a member of student government, and an Honours Scholar.

She studied abroad during her junior year at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, where she studied African politics and transitional justice and volunteered in the ISOS Kayamandi English Turoting Program for 7th grade students at Ikaya Primary School.

Hillary is now a first-year MA student in International Relations and African Studies at Boston University. She is the recipient of a Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship and is learning Swahili in addition to her courses. She is especially interested in transitional justice, conflict analysis, international educational exchange, and development in Africa.

Eric Scalzo grew up in upstate New York, and was always very active in volunteer work through his church and as as Eagle Scout.

Eric attended Siena College, graduating with a BA in Political Science. He was very involved on campus as a Student Senator, President of Pre-Law Society and Captain of Mock Trial. He also helped to bring the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation to Siena College and in one day raised over $7,000 for childhood cancer research. He was also involved with Siena's Habitat for Humanity Chapter, going to Willmington, NC over spring break to work on building sites down there.

Eric studied abroad at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa where he volunteered with the ISOS Kayamandi Project, working with single mothers in the township, teaching them how to garden and the how to supplement their income and diet using vegetables that they grow themselves. It is his experience with this project that have driven him to try to bring the OLPC XOs back to Kayamandi.

Eric is currently a first year law student at William and Mary School of Law in Williamsburg, VA. He hopes to someday work in medical malpractice defense or insurance litigation.