OLPCorps Stanford Tanzania

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  • We are a group of five Stanford students with experience working in non-profits and international health as well as technical expertise in setting up computer infrastructure. Cristin, Marlene and Tim have worked in FACE AIDS and Cristin is the managing director of the organization.
Name e-mail (@stanford.edu) Major Role in the Team
Bernd Bandemer bandemer Electrical Engineering (PhD) Initial deployment, setting up infrastructure, organization, Kigali Training, on site June 17- June 29
Leila Zia leilaz Management Science & Engineering (PhD) same as above
Cristin Weekley cweekley Human Biology (BA) and Anthropology (BA) Ongoing deployment, implementation of educational curriculum, on site June 25-August 20
Tim Wolfe twolfe Human Biology (BA) same as above
Marlene Kennedy marlenek Human Biology (BA) Project Support


Upendo English Medium School, Usa River, Tanzania

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-3.366744" lon="36.854539" zoom="15"> -3.366744,36.854539 Usa River, Tanzania </googlemap>


Upendo has 155 students. It has a preparation class of 29 students (younger than 6 years) and Standards 1 to 5 with 126 students. Standards are equivalent to US Grades. We will assign one laptop to each student in Standards 2 to 5 (82 students). The rest of the laptops will remain in the school library for Standard 1 students (44 in total) to borrow and work with. Two of our team members will be on site at all times. The general plan is:

  • Before deployment: Upon project approval, we will work closely with the village chairman and Upendo School director, Joseph Kitia, and the teachers at Upendo to refine and implement our curriculum ideas given the teaching reality at the school.
  • Deployment weeks 1-2: We will set up the infrastructure, start training of the teachers, and introduce the students, parents and village community to the program. A sustainable deployment is possible only if everyone is involved. We also will establish a library system where students can borrow books and Standard 1 students can borrow laptops. The school owns many books but has no dedicated library so far. Mr. Kitia is very supportive of establishing one.
  • Deployment weeks 3-9: With the help of teachers who have already been trained, we will introduce the laptops to the students and implement our education goals. Later, we will ask Standard 2-5 students to share their knowledge with Standard 1 students. As the school has no summer break, students will be in classes during the deployment.

The school has electricity and internet can be provided if required.


Local Partner and Sustainability

Education and Impact